Hey Friday friends!
Did you get my weekend treats newsletter this morning!? It was full of many many treats. If not, you can jump on the list to get the next one. It happens every Friday and it's my absolute favorite thing to send out!
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Onto today's post…
3 Things I Do When I Feel Like I'm About To Get Sick
You know that little scratch you get in your throat when you're *almost* about to get sick? Maybe it comes along with a little bit of extra tiredness or feeling run down…either way, you usually notice it right away, before the actual sickness hits. We get little notifications that our immune system needs some love.
There are 3 things I do when I feel this way, and they usually nip it right in the bud.
Oil Pulling with Oregano Oil
The first thing I generally do is oil pulling with coconut oil and a few drops of oregano oil.I wrote all about oil pulling in this post, so read there about all the benefits of oil pulling.
When I feel like I might be getting sick, I put a spoonful of coconut oil into my mouth and swish it around until it melts (sounds gross but you get used to it). Once it's melted, I drop 2-3 drops of oregano oil into the coconut oil and continue to swish for 10 or 15 minutes.
After that, I spit it in the trash (not the sink, it could clog it).
I use this oregano oil. I know some people caution against ingesting essential oils, but in this case you aren't swallowing it, you are merely swishing it around in your mouth with coconut oil. It will enter your system through your mouth.
Oregano oil is known to be antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal, and powerful for the immune system, with studies to back it up.
Whatever you do — do NOT put oregano oil directly into your mouth without diluting it with the coconut oil! It will BURN.

I'll do this every morning until I don't feel the potential sickness creeping in anymore.
Hydrogen Peroxide In My Ear
The other thing I do right away which really seems to help is pouring a capful of hydrogen peroxide into each ear.
Here's more information on this method.
I will lay down on one side, put the hydrogen peroxide in my ear — it will start bubbling.
I lay on that side until the bubbling stops, and then drain it onto a tissue or paper towel. Then I do the same on the other side.

Garlic Everything!
A post I wrote that you might be interested in – Garlic: The Natural Antibiotic. In this post, I talk about chopping up garlic and swallowing it like a little pill, and I also provide an awesome garlic-miso soup recipe from Dr. Annemarie Colbin.

One more immune-boosting post you might like: My Super-Immunity Green Juice
Remember, I am not a doctor, this is just what I've done and it seems to work well for me.
If this feels or seems unsafe to you in any way, please don't do it!!!! I'd write more, except I'm blogging from a Silvercar. :)
Do any of you guys do these things too!?
Consult your physician before trying anything new.
Healthy Crush Medical Disclaimer
Love you guys,
Dennis Norman says
Jenny, I have that when I get the first rumblings of a cold that a large cup of ginger tea…. are from real ginger root, oiled and then steeped for 15 minutes really stops it from progressing. A little honey and cider vinegar also makes it more tasty. Dennis