6 months ago, my dad was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer that had metastasized to the liver. They didn’t even need to stage it for us – if it’s spread to the liver from the pancreas, it’s automatically stage 4.
Pancreatic cancer generally isn’t one of the “easy” ones. Not that any cancer is easy, but you know what I mean. It’s a challenging cancer to treat, the survival rates aren’t promising, and by the time a patient actually experiences symptoms, the cancer has likely been there for awhile.
I was driving to a Fall Out Boy show in San Diego (by myself) when my mom called me to tell me they found “abnormalities” on his pancreas and liver. I’ll never forget the way my stomach dropped. Until that moment, we thought he was just having digestive issues. That night at the show, surrounded by dust and glitter and lights, with heavily-eyelined fans jumping up and down all around me, I slumped down into my seat and did a quick Google search on my phone about pancreatic abnormalities.
I immediately wished I hadn’t. I knew life was about to change.
Needless to say, finding out wasn’t a fun moment for any of us. As I wrote about in this post, we spent last Thanksgiving (right after we found out) sitting silently around the table, barely eating, wishing we could go back in time and erase that entire day at the hospital and somehow change our reality.
But quickly, it became our reality. My mom, sister and I got to work. It was all hands on deck. My sister miraculously helped to get him an appointment with the best pancreatic doctor at Dana Farber Cancer Institute in Boston. My mom started keeping a calendar with his appointment schedule, was on top of the (many) medications he had to take at various times of the day, and took meticulous notes on every word each doctor had said to us.
And I, of course, got down to business with the nutrition stuff. My most important life assignment to date, no doubt. I moved into a nearby condo in Newburyport, MA for 4 months so I could be near my parents and help get my dad on track with a plan.
I did crazy amounts of research, my dad and I watched documentaries, and I put together a protocol of things he could add in, in addition to the chemotheraphy treatments at the cancer hospital. (We ran everything by his oncologist). He has stuck to the protocol religiously (I’ll outline it below).
Today, it’s 6 months later, 12 chemo sessions in, and…he feels great!

He just got back from a week in Myrtle Beach with his high school buddies, where he played 18 holes of golf every day…and felt fine.
He’s been out in the yard doing physical yard work most days, even on the days when he’s got his chemo pump on, attached to a port in his chest. (If you know about chemo pumps and ports, you know).

In the last 2 meetings we had with his doctors, they were surprised at how good he’s feeling. “Most people only have the energy to watch movies on the couch at this point,” they said.
He’s planning his next golf trip for October. And he’s smiling and happy and grateful.

He just planted a bunch of tomato plants in the yard — as a sign of optimism that he’ll be here to eat the full grown tomatoes in a few months. :)
His attitude has stayed consistently positive and optimistic throughout this whole process, which I think makes a HUGE difference.
Symptom-wise, he’s lost weight (his tastebuds and appetite have suffered due to the chemo drugs), so that part is a challenge, but he’s doing his best to keep it up and get the nutrients he needs (daily smoothies have been a big part of getting those nutrients).
He’s had almost no nausea (nausea is usually one of the most prevalent chemo side effects). He’s got some sensitivity to cold temperatures and tingling in his hands and feet – another side effect of the chemo, but it’s not debilitating. He has no pain.
In fact, because he’s been feeling so good, Dad and I put together a Guide To Managing Chemo Side Effects based on everything we’ve learned. You can grab it here if you or someone you love is going through chemo.
As far as the actual cancer treatment logistics and numbers — after his most recent scan, they said the cancer is being “managed” (i.e. not getting worse). We’ll find out more after his next scan in June.
Numbers-wise, there’s a pancreatic tumor blood marker called CA 19-9. That’s the one I’ve been watching every time he gets bloodwork done.
Normal levels of CA 19-9 (in people without pancreatic cancer) are 0-37. When my dad started treatments, his CA 19-9 level had skyrocketed to 1810.
His number has been on the decline with every appointment since.
We just found out on Thursday that his CA 19-9 is down to 70. 70!!!!
Now, the doctors say they don’t use this number as a final word on what’s happening with the cancer — the scans give us the real info, and they don’t rely on this number – they just use it as a reference. But going from 1800 to 70 when normal levels are 0-37….it can’t be bad!!!!
Here’s the protocol he’s been on since day 1 of treatment:
Hospital treatment:
Chemotherapy (folfirinox) treatments every 2 weeks. Generally he goes in on a Wednesday, gets the chemo administered, goes home with the chemo pump attached, spends 48 hours with it, and goes back into the hospital on a Friday to have it removed. He then has about 12 days off until his next cycle. He’s completed 12 cycles.
The protocol I put together at home:
- Cannabis oil, 3x per day 1:1 ratio of THC to CBD (read all about our cannabis journey here and see exactly what he’s taking and how he’s taking it)
- 2 pills of AHCC every day (a medicinal mushroom supplement that’s being used in clinical trials at hospitals – details here)
- 1 30mg CBD oil capsule every day (details here)
- A daily smoothie that includes turkey tail mushrooms, as well as a 10-mushroom superfood blend. Details on the mushrooms here.
- You can find the exact daily smoothie recipe I’ve been making here along with other food-related tips and ideas (thank you, mom, for taking over smoothie duty!!)
Remember, I’m not a doctor….I’m just a girl who cares (fiercely) about her dad. Healthy Crush medical disclaimer
So that’s the quick update.
The research on medical marijuana for cancer is really promising. My dad definitely credits a lot of his “feeling good” to the cannabis oil he’s been taking.
And they’re doing more research at Dana Farber about cannabis use for cancer — check out this article:
Cannabis Science Expands 5-Year Agreement with Dana Farber Cancer Institute
Dad and I just saw this on the news stand the other day while we were exploring the Harvard Business School campus together….

Times are changing.
We’re grateful and hopeful. This whole thing has been a wild adventure.
It’s been extremely challenging, and we don’t know what the future holds…but I wouldn’t trade this time with my dad for anything in the world.

Tina Milnes says
As always, you are an inspiration for good health and testament to living an authentic life. Muc Much love to you and your family.
Jenny Sansouci says
Thank you Tina, I feel the same about you! Lots of love sister.
Christy @ Sparkles & Spinach says
I’m so happy to read that your Dad is doing better! While it was not my own Father, my Father in Law battled Lung Cancer and after an 8 month rollercoaster, it truly rocked our world and we’re still living with the aftermath of that. You are amazing, Jenny! Not only are you helping your Dad, but by sharing his story, you are helping SO many other people living this! More than you could ever know. Wishing your Dad & your family all the best! He’s a fighter & I wish him continued strength!
Jenny Sansouci says
Thanks so much, Christy! This stuff is a huge challenge but I can only hope that some of the research we’ve done can help someone else out there. Sending love and strength to your family, I really appreciate your support.
Megan says
God bless you and Dad. Love abs hugs from CT🙏💕💕
Jenny Sansouci says
Thanks Megan!!
Macha says
Thank you for sending the update. You are an inspiration and I’m so happy that he has energy to do the things he enjoys. He has a beautiful smile. Just like you.
Jenny Sansouci says
Thanks Mach. Love you.
Carolyn Salvato says
Thank you Jenny for the update! I am so relieved he is feeling good! Your love and dedication to your dad, my “brother “ is so beautiful. We are looking forward to seeing you all next month. Love you all!
Jenny Sansouci says
Love you too Carolyn!! Can’t wait to see you guys again soon.
Leah Moon says
So good to read. Thank you for sharing this part of your journey Jenny!
Jenny Sansouci says
Thanks for your support, Leah!!
Kim Trotto says
So wonderful to hear how well your dad is doing. I was just wondering about you and him the other day. Thank you for sharing all that you did. It is awesome to have such practical advice if we need it. I know it will be so useful to many people.
Jenny Sansouci says
Thanks so much for your support Kim!!
Kim Trotto says
I met you at Gabby’s level 2 in 2016. I’m sure you met lots of people and wouldn’t expect you to remember me. But, I love your writing and your blog and your Get Paid to Live Course is awesome! Sending lots of love your way.
Kim says
Thanks for sharing your Dad’s story. It’s a honor to bear witness to the beautiful love you have for him. I’ve shared your reflections with my daughters. My husband was diagnosed on 30Oct17 and is currently participating in a clinical trial at UPenn. He’s off chemo and on a PARP inhibitor. His CA19-9 number are down to 238, last November they were 7908. He’s still very active and cycling again— making the best of every day.
Rob Loomis says
Wonderful! So happy to hear Ray is doing so well. His support network has rallied to the challenge. What this article is about is love, unconditional love. Ray is lucky to have you and you him. Blessings on you both.
Patty O'Donnell says
Thanks for the update. ..wonderful news for your Dad and such useful information for all of us!
Patty ODonnell says
Awesome news! Thanks for the update and all the useful info you provided us in case we ever need it. I hope your Dad continues to get better.
Debbie Saettele says
Thank you for the updates. You, your mom, sister and my big brother can accomplish anything. So proud of all of you for the accomplishments you have made and sharing it with others is wonderful. I can’t wait to see all of you next month, and witness his improvements. Keep up the good work and attitudes, love conquers everything that life presents to us. All my love to your family.
Jasmine Cohen says
Oh my gosh,emo tears streaming down my face. I’m so happy to hear he’s holding strong.
Karen Harding says
Thank you Jenny for the update. I have been wondering how it was going. Glad to hear he is feeling good. Please tell your Mom and Dad that his cousins ( Judy Thuman and Karen Harding) from Minnesota are prayingfor him and strength for your Mom. God bless you all.
Ashley Robertson says
Hey Jenny! I’m so happy your dad is doing ok and you’re sticking together and staying as positive as possible. Sending lots of positive energy your way. My mom has stage 4 mesothelioma, so I can relate to the ups and downs this journey takes you on. Sadly, it’s really hard for me to talk health and nutrition to her…she seems to want to argue and prove me wrong more than listening….but what has helped is being able to send articles like yours to her. She started trying CBD oil after your post I sent her! Thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything you share and all the love that’s in each article. It really does make a difference and it helps more than you may even realize. xo A
Rachel Shelton says
This post gives me so much joy and hope for others I know who are dealing with cancer. What a wonderful, beautiful testament to the power of positivity combined with some kick-ass healthy foods, supplements, and care! Wishing you and your family the very best as your dad continues to improve. xoxo
Jen says
I’m so impressed with your dad’s openness to integrative approaches and dedication to the routine. I’ve tried to get certain people in my family to incorporate natural approaches to their health ailments but they rather suffer than change their diet or take supplements. Really awesome that your dad is staying positive and feeling good!
Lexie says
My dad was not so lucky: He had glioblastoma, was diagnosed in January a few years back and died in March that same year. Of course the first thing I did was send juice recipes from Kris Carr, emails back and forth with my mom, the power of positive thinking…but in the end, it was too fast moving and even though only a little time has passed there are treatments today we didn’t have then. Your pops looks healthy and happy. More power to you! Go Dad!
Patty adams says
Hi Jenny. I used to live down the street growing up with Ray. So glad he’s feeling good and looks great. I have gioblastoma and along with treatment, I also do cannabis( thc and CBd). I’m super hopeful for your Dad and me. Best of luck and tell your Dad I said hi.
Edward says
Hi, Jenny. I am glad that you and the family are doing well despite all the trials! I went through a similar time with my father two years ago. Cherish all the time you have with the family! Hoping for the best!
Anna says
Hi Jenny,
Thank you for sharing!
Has your dad tried the Wim Hoff Method as well?
Anna says
Thank you for sharing! Is your dad doing the Wim Hoff Method as well?
Maryellen Mitchell says
Lovely story about your Dad and family…so happy to hear he is doing well and feeling better! You are an amazing daughter too. Best, ME
Apryl says
My 37 year old husband was recently diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. We are set to being chemo next week for 2-3 months. It’s definitely not stage 4, so we’re hopeful. My girlfriend sent me this article and it’s been one of the most helpful articles I’ve read since finding out. There’s a not a whole lot of positive reads on the internet surrounding pancreatic cancer. This gives me hope. Thank you for sharing his story.
Radoslav Shopov says
How i your Dad now
Jonny says
Hi Jenny,
Can honestly say reading your story has made me feel so much more positive about my current situation with my father. I can relate so much to your story and everything you have explained. My dad was only diagnosed last week and has been told he has upto 12 months left. Since then I have religiously researched natural remedies and now have CBD/THC oil for him along with turkey mushrooms to help him through the chemo which he starts next week. I would love to hear from you and see how you are now doing ? I hope your father is still doing fine ! Any feedback would be really appreciated as would like to maybe discuss in more detail about your journey which can benefit my dad and family.
Thank you very much for your story. I will share it with my father and family to give us the much needed motivation .
Jonny :)
Monica M says
Thank you for your posts. I have just started my own journey with Stage 4 Pancreatic Cancer and I too am surrounded by love and encouragement. It makes a difference. Wishing you all the best. I will be following with hope
Monica McNally says
Thank you so much for sharing your Dad’s journey and your tips. Very positive. I was diagnosed in late March. Stage 4 also. My daughter found your blog and we have instituted your regimen. I have only done 3 treatments so far but credit your suggestions with making lady on better. Thank you and best of luck to your Dad
Thomas says
Hello my name is Thomas Karol , my husband was suffering from liver cancer, and the doctor’s told me that there is nothing they could do to save my beloved husband life. Then a friend told me about hemp oil , i told her that my husband liver cancer was in the last stage that i don’t think the hemp oil will be able to help, and she persuaded me to try, for the love of my husband, i decided to give it a try. I did some research and i found a doctor who helped me with the cannabis oil to cure my husband liver cancer and he assured me that after 3 months the liver cancer will be gone, and For the past one year my husband is perfectly okay and he is free from cancer, if you know any one who is suffering from cancer you can save his/her life by contacting Dr. Brown Nelson via his email : (brownnelson07@aol.com) it worked exactly as the doctor prescribed. Thanks to Dr. Brown Nelson for taking away sorrow in my life. God will bless Dr. Brown Nelson for helping me with cannabis oil and for his support and care, i will keep on help you to fight cancer in the World, all i have to say is THANK YOU LORD.
Holls says
My Mom was diagnosed with Stage 4 pancreatic cancer 4 months ago. This came 2 1/2 years after a Whipple resection, how they didn’t catch it before it spread to bone I will never understand.
So the good news, we started this with a CA-19 9 marker at 1,078 and radiation was done on the bones for pain and then chemo treatment started. Three weeks into treatment we added oils to her regimen, last testing her CA-19 9 marker has dropped to 32. We have a PET scan in a couple of weeks and that will give the real answers but, there is hope!