Last night I decided to make homemade hemp milk. I used these hemp seeds.
It was the easiest thing I’ve ever done.
Why hemp milk?
Plant protein. Omegas. Healthy fats. Dairy-free. Nut-free. Creamy deliciousness. Probably other great stuff too.
So here you go. I don’t have a lot of time because I have to run off to hip hop class, so let’s make this simple.
Homemade Hemp Milk Recipe
- 1 cup hemp seeds
- 3 cups water
- 1/2 tsp vanilla
- 1/4 tsp cinnamon
- 1 pinch sea salt
- 1-2 dates (optional, depending if you want it to be sweet or not)
- 1 tsp coconut oil (optional, I threw that in there last minute – gives it a little more silky depth)
Blend all ingredients in Vitamix. Store in fridge. Probably lasts a few days but I can’t tell you for sure because it doesn’t last more than 2 days in mi casa.
You don’t even have to strain it. It will separate once you put it in the fridge and let it sit for awhile, but you can just give it a little shakey shake.
Doneski. Easy right?
Also, I totally forgot about this song but I just heard it again today at City Row and I think it’s worth listening to while you make this hemp milk. #takemyorder #carryout #hempmilk #hot

2 very enthusiastic thumbs up.
Sarah Grace says
Yum this looks delicious, I’ve made homemade almond milk but not hemp! Maybe Ill give it a try. :)
xoxo Sarah Grace, Fresh Fit N Healthy.
Kate says
Hey Jenny! First, can’t wait to try this- went out and bought dates today, so I am good to go.
Second, I love that you are talking about your discomfort with, but love of, hip hop classes. I feel like a dancer trapped in an uncoordinated body (my first and only hip hop class was the definition of awkward), but I’ve decided it’s time to change that. I’m taking zumba right now, which I love because it is a little less intimidating than a dance class, and I’m going to take it from there. I asked Dr. Christiane Northrup if she had any advice for people like me, and she said if you have a heart beat you can dance! and that there may be a few limiting beliefs in the way that are making me feel uncoordinated, but nothing that can’t be changed :) I bet we’ll be dancing like Britney Spears in no time ;)