A cheese that doesn’t melt? You heard right. Halloumi cheese (made with goat’s and sheep’s milk) is known as the “grilling cheese” because you can put it on the grill, or cook it in a pan, and it’ll hold its shape. After learning about this invincible cheese at a cooking class at Omega (I highly recommend the class, by the way), halloumi instantly became one of my favorite cheeses. Its salty flavor and chewy consistency make for a comforting and delicious autumn snack.
If you DO choose to consume dairy, goat or sheep’s milk dairy is preferable to cow’s milk for a variety of reasons. Either way, I don’t recommend any sort of dairy as a main part of any diet…but if you know you’re going to have it, get the best quality possible and make sure you thoroughly enjoy every bite!
Read the following resources to get more information:
Why Goat’s Milk is Healthier than Cow’s Milk
I was reminded of halloumi when I spotted it at the store the other day. Grabbing some inspiration from Heidi at 101 Cookbooks, I made a simple, yet amazing tasting halloumi dish.
1 block of halloumi cheese, cut into slices.

Fresh chives, snipped into small pieces

The juice of one fresh lemon

Sea salt

Olive Oil

Squeeze the lemon juice into a small bowl. Dice up the chives and add them to the lemon juice. Sprinkle sea salt in.
Drizzle olive oil in the pan. If you’re using a grill, drizzle the olive oil directly on the cheese before putting on the grill.
Let the halloumi grill or brown in the pan until you see a golden brown tint, as shown in these pictures:
Plate the halloumi and drip the remaining olive oil from the pan into the lemon juice, chive and sea salt mixture. Mix it up and pour the mixture over the halloumi cheese. It’s amazing, I’m telling you! Enjoy!
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