Hey friends. :)
One of my favorite things about being a graduate of the Institute for Integrative Nutrition is meeting other grads who are doing insanely awesome things in the world.
I met Isabel Foxen Duke this summer at the World Domination Summit. When she told me what she was up to- helping women to stop feeling crazy around food– I immediately loved her philosophy.
Why? Well, here’s the thing. I LOVE a good detox. I love eating a meticulously clean diet. I admit — I try to be perfect. A lot. (Hey, I’m a Virgo).
Here’s the thing, though..
I also love eating chocolate. I love drinking coffee. And I love a good taco on the beach. But I know what it feels like to be drenched in guilt about those kinds of food choices.
I want to live a life where I can do both. Eat super clean and feel great, and also indulge sometimes without beating myself up about it.
This is why I am sooo incredibly on board with Isabel’s Stop Fighting Food video series. (It’s totally free, by the way). The cool thing is — it’s not a weight loss program — it’s about helping you have a more healthful, peaceful and SANE relationship with food.
Some of the questions to ponder…
Does constant food anxiety take up so much of your energy that you can’t actually enjoy your life?
Do you judge yourself as “good” or “bad” depending on your food choices each day?
Ok. You’re not alone. :) Stop Feeling Crazy Around Food!!

I’m super psyched to share Isabel’s videos with you – because food should be a source of celebration in life, and guilt is a wasted emotion.
Let’s be healthy AND enjoy life!!! Seriously. Why wouldn’t we have both? It seems like a no-brainer to me.
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