so, the other day i was sitting in a meeting at work and we were discussing the new innovations in the health world (one of my favorite topics these days).
you know what i love? when people come up with ideas that make things different and interesting. interesting people interest me. the coolest thing is when people can combine “old school” and “new school.”

that’s why when I heard about Jay Parkinson‘s idea for hello health, i knew i had to find out more info.
hello health is a cool new service where doctors can make house calls, like the good old days, or you can come to their office, but today’s innovations like video chat, IM, etc are also involved to give patients the most comprehensive experience possible.
from hello health’s web site:
“Become a member for an accessible monthly fee, then we can come see you, you can come see us, we can IM or video chat, we can make sure you get the right meds and specialists at the right price.”
Digging this idea, I decided to get in contact with this guy and give him some kudos. He’s a super cool dude.
Anyway, here’s what he told me about his biz….“We’re about bringing back the old time neighborhood doctors powered by iPhones and tools we all use nowadays to communicate to keep you as healthy as possible. It’s good stuff.”
Good stuff, indeed. I love the idea of being able to follow up with your doctor virtually. I’m gonna stay tuned and you should too.
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