Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill is one of the most inspiring and motivating books I’ve ever read (well, listened to. I got the audiobook). I just finished it today and was driven to write about it immediately.
I didn’t know what to expect when diving into this book. I thought I’d probably get some sound advice on how to manage my finances better, how to save more money, and maybe a glimpse into the ways of the wealthy. What I got instead was so much better, deeper and more tangible than that. This book doesn’t tell you how to manage your finances. It teaches you how to think, act, work and change your entire perception in order to gain financial abundance.
Why should we listen to Napoleon Hill? Because in order to write this book, he took 20 years to interview over 500 millionaires to find a perfect formula for success. The book was originally written in 1937 and the information is just as relevant today as it was back then. If you buy the updated version there are a few modern-day stories sprinkled in to show you how the principles have worked for today’s millionaires.
Think and Grow Rich goes through the specific steps you need to take to bring riches into your life. It outlines the changes that need to happen in order for wealth to come to you. If you follow the steps outlined in this book, it is absolutely inevitable that success will come your way.
This book is not only useful in learning to attain more money. The steps and suggestions made by Napoleon Hill are essential in reaching any goal – monetary or otherwise – in your life. Reading this book will motivate you to move forward immediately in every area of your life you’d like to improve – whether it’s your fitness level, relationships, career status, eating habits, creative ventures, or whatever else you can think of.

When you read Think and Grow Rich, you’ll learn the following:
- The importance of cultivating a burning desire to achieve your life’s purpose
- How to garner the complete faith that you will indeed receive what you want
- The importance of being decisive, putting together a definite plan, and getting to work immediately
- How to use persistence to ensure success in any area
- How the knowledge and support of other people can propel you forward
- Why specialized knowledge brings wealth
- The process of trading your services or products for their equivalent monetary value
- How love and sex affect your accumulation of riches
- How to transmute your intentions into reality
- The power of thought
- How to utilize “infinite intelligence” to reach your goals
….and much more. Sounds like a hefty list, huh? That’s because this book isn’t just about getting rich quick. It’s about actually training your mind to think and act like the successful, wealthy person you want to be, and in turn, you will become that person.
The most inspiring chapter, in my opinion, was the chapter on persistence. Quite simply, Napoleon writes that with persistence will come success. He outlines the stories of millionaires who never gave up, didn’t listen to negative criticism, and pioneered their way to new business models that nobody thought would take off. It’s really amazing!
If you want more wealth or success in any area of your life and you haven’t read this book, you should pick yourself up a copy today. It really will inspire you to take that next step towards living the life of your dreams.
“Do not wait; the time will never be “just right.” Start where you stand, and work with whatever tools you may have at your command, and better tools will be found as you go along.” – Napoleon Hill
DLeavitt says
One of my top 5 favorites of all time!
Peg says
That’s Right Jenny! I love this book, I have it on audio too!