Something I’ve been doing every day in addition to the daily blogging for 100 days, is sending out an inspirational quote every single morning to my group of Spirit Junkie Masterclass students. When I say that, I mean, they enrolled in Gabby Bernstein’s Spirit Junkie Masterclass through me, and this daily inspirational email is one of their bonuses for doing so. All of the inspirational quotes come from one of Gabby’s old lectures, retreats, books, or videos. I call it the Daily Spark. I initially scheduled out a lot of the emails beforehand, but lately I’ve been waking up and writing each one as I go. Sometimes I’ll wake up and write 10 of them in one day. It’s really an awesome way to start the morning, because I have to find things that really stand out to me as a helpful insight, and then take the time to share it with them. I’ve really enjoyed doing it.
A few of the emails have focused on the concept of creative possibilities.
I’ve gotten that twinge of excitement in my heart every time I say the phrase. Creative possibilities. It feels so expansive and vast, like we’re opening the door to Narnia or something.
Creative possibilities.
Here are a couple of examples from the Spark emails:
In an area of your life where you’re struggling, or looking at with a negative or fearful mindset, finish this sentence: “Wouldn’t it be fun if _____ ?”
What could happen that would be FUN in this situation? Get into the feeling state of joy and fun with whatever you’re desiring in your life, see how quickly things change.
Gabby at The Universe Has Your Back Retreat
Open up to creative possibilities beyond your logical mind.
A money mantra:
“How to get your energy into a place of prosperity, a place of receptivity, of worthiness, an abundant mindset…
Say this daily prayer:
It’s like turning on a faucet. When you turn that faucet on, and you clear out the mess within that faucet, the faucet will continue to flow.”
I love playing with the idea of creative possibilities whenever I’m feeling stuck or I can’t “figure something out.”
There are always creative possibilities for how a situation will unfold, there’s more than what we can see. I especially love the money one – I am open to creative possibilities for earning.
“If you are walking around saying “There’s not enough,” there will never be enough. If you are walking around saying “I’m open to creative possibilities,” then there will be plenty of opportunities. What you focus on creates an energy and that energy creates experiences that you have in your life and I can say that with conviction.” – shift your lens on life
What’s one area of your life where you feel stuck? Maybe you think your options are limited and none of them feel very good…maybe you think you’ve exhausted all your options. Maybe you’ve been trying something the same way over and over and over and it still hasn’t worked out the way you wanted it to.
These are all perfect times to say, I am open to creative possibilities.
Think about all the blessings and things you’re grateful for in your life. Did you plan out every single one exactly, or did some of them come into your life in unexpected ways? Exactly. That’s what opening up to creative possibilities can do – help you get into an energy state that will attract new opportunities, ideas or people into your life that you never could have predicted.
Just saying it or writing it down can give you some relief when you feel like the answers are unclear.
Try it. I am open to creative possibilities in this situation.
See what happens.

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