I’m definitely going to listen to Total Eclipse Of The Heart the entire time I write this blog post! (Ok, I just listened it it once and I’m not sure it’s the best music to listen to on repeat while writing). Back to my most recent focus song, Everything.
Today, down the block from my apartment in Brooklyn, there was a huge line outside of Warby Parker. They were giving out solar eclipse glasses. I’ve never seen a line that long anywhere in my neighborhood before. Looks like they’re sold out of eclipse glasses at this point, but I just downloaded a pinhole projector PDF from their site, so I can “eclipse responsibly.” Not quite sure what to do with it yet. This is so intense.
Tonight I thought I’d do a little research on this eclipse. I’m interested in the logistics, but even more so interested in the potential astrological implications. I was talking to a friend this morning discussing some slightly chaotic emotional stirrings (per usual) and she said, “it’s that eclipse energy, man…” And I was like – oh – didn’t even think about that – now I gotta find out everything.
2017 Total Solar Eclipse: The Basics
I’ve been doing some poking around on this site, which gives maps of the solar eclipse by US state. But check out what else it says:
“The splendor of totality:
You cannot completely prepare yourself for the sight of a total solar eclipse. When totality arrives, you will experience primal emotions and wonderment at the unspeakable beauty of the corona and the panoply of colors and light as you’ve never seen before. You will involuntarily scream, gasp, or perhaps cry at this astounding vision.
What!? I’m way more excited now. And to whoever wrote that, I love you.
This has officially been deemed THE ECLIPSE OF THE CENTURY. First one since 1918.
The solar eclipse is happening over the USA on August 21, 2017 (Monday). A total solar eclipse is when the Earth, Moon and Sun all line up completely, and the moon blocks the sun from our vision.
The total eclipse begins on the west coast at about 10 am PST and ends on the east coast a bit before 3 pm EST.
Here is a handy little eclipse calculator where you can put in your city and see what time it will be visible to you.
According to that calculator, the Maximum Eclipse in Brooklyn, New York will be at 2:45pm (it starts at 1:23pm and ends by 4pm).

This is awesome.
I wish I got glasses.
Maybe I still can.
Anyway, more importantly, what’s up with solar eclipse astrological energy!? What do we need to know!?
Let’s see what some of our star friends have to say about it. From some of my favorite sources around the interwebs:
From Susan Miller, AstrologyZone:
“Eclipses are dramatic “wild cards” in our horoscopes. They are some of the most dramatic tools that the universe uses to get us to pay attention to areas in our life that need to change. They uproot us, surprise us, and get us moving. They shake us out of our feelings of compliancy so that we can move from one level of maturity to another, to a higher plane, and they work very rapidly. Eclipses want us to change, and change we do!
Solar eclipses tend to create new beginnings and bright new opportunities.
This eclipse on August 21 is due to be spectacular, as the Sun and Uranus planet of surprise, will be in perfect sync – that will bring news of something you’d never expect. Furthermore, because a golden triangle will appear in the sky on August 21, Saturn will act as the third leg of the glittering triangle, adding long-term gain to the actions you take at this solar eclipse. This is all wonderful news.”
From The AstroTwins:
“An eclipse, in astrology, is looked at as this big turning point. A solar eclipse is a new moon, which has a theme of newness. So, at every new moon, astrologers say it’s a good time to initiate something or to start something new.
Anywhere in our lives where we’re not taking charge, where we’re not speaking up powerfully – anywhere we need to be heard or be braver and more courageous, that’s what this eclipse is inviting people to do.”
And here’s a Facebook Live video explaining the eclipse from my good friend Danielle Mercurio, which I really liked because she mentions the fact that there are some retrogrades happening during the eclipse which can make the energy feel chaotic and like change is on the horizon but we may not necessarily have all the answers yet. We will get them, though. We always do. :)
So interesting.
I’m ready for you, eclipse. (Except for the whole glasses part).
If you’re going to be in the line of “totality” for the eclipse, how cool! Enjoy it.
Let’s get ready for some bright new energy. I know I’m feeling that.
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