Hey coolios,
I wanted to tell you about this newfound little treat I’ve been loving here in California.

A few years back when I spent a couple of months in LA, I had a deep love for the full-size Maca Bars from the same company that I would buy at Erewhon Market. I just looked them up, and my mouth watered and my stomach got a tingle just seeing them.
The only drawback to these gooey and delicious maca-cacao treats was that they had 18g of sugar in one bar (from agave and raisins), so I really tried to keep my fiery passion for them in check when possible.
But with these little bites? Guess what, they have no sweetener. They are HARDCORE! Seriously. When I picked one up and read the ingredients, I almost fainted.
Organic Raw Ingredients: Cacao Butter, Maca Powder, Mesquite Powder, Himalayan Pink Salt, Vanilla Bean Powder
Do you see that?
No sugar.
I know this might be confusing because the packaging looks almost identical, but the bite size one is shown below – and the only sweetener it has is a little bit of mesquite powder.

What is Mesquite Powder?
According to VeryWell.com:
“Mesquite meal or flour is made from the dried seed pods of the mesquite tree, a common tree in the American Southwest. In fact, the tree and its pods were an important food staple of the Native Americans.”
And from my friends at Nuts.com:
“Mesquite powder is a great option for diabetics because it prevents spikes in blood sugar associated with eating white flour and high-sugar foods. It is also high in soluble fiber, which takes the body longer to digest and prevents you from getting hungry again too quickly.
Mesquite powder is also rich in protein, particularly in the form of the amino acid lysine. Lysine helps the body’s uptake of calcium and assists in the formation of new bone tissue. It also helps relieve stress and anxiety.”
YUM. Interestingly enough one of my other favorite chocolate bars is the mesquite bar from Fine & Raw — also cunningly absent of sugar.
What is maca?
So, why do I love these little bites so much? Mainly because they taste mostly like maca. I LOVE the taste of maca.
I’ve loved maca pretty much since I first went to Institute for Integrative Nutrition and took David Wolfe’s class on superfoods.
Here’s a post I wrote about that back in 2009.
I’m pretty sure I talk about maca in my Guide to Mind-Blowing Healthy Highs.
From the maca bites amazon page:
“Maca root is a Superfood found in the high Andes known for its ability to balance the endocrine system, increase strength and improve libido. From the moment it touches your tongue, the unique blend of raw cacao butter in concert with mesquite pod, sweet maca root and a hint of Himalayan-pink salt energizes your body.”
Did you just get the chills when you read that? I KNOW I DID.
Not everyone loves the taste of maca (it’s earthy, and rooty) but hey I’m an earth sign so give me as much earthy grounding goodness as you can, please.
My friend Bria brought me one of these bites as a gift the other day. That is true friendship.
Ok, I think I’m complete here — I just didn’t feel right keep these little maca treats to myself any longer without sharing with you guys.
I’m not sure if they sell these in stores anywhere besides California (I’ve only seen them in San Diego and Los Angeles), but you can order them online if you so desire. If you like the taste of earthy, nutty maca and you don’t like too much sweetness, you’ll flip over these lil guys.
Maca-cacao flavored love forever,
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