Hi friends –
I’m officially on Day 100 of my 100 Day Project of posting a blog every single day. It feels kind of surreal that it’s actually Day 100, and it’s really crazy to think back on the past 100 days and how much I was moving around and all the transition that’s been going on. And I still managed to post SOMETHING every day. Not each day was my proudest blog post…but I pressed that little blue publish button, and that was the point.

I can now say that I’m definitely feeling a lot less “publish button sensitive” than I was 100 days ago. Hitting that little button used to feel like this monumental thing (especially when I would take days/weeks without posting a new blog), and now it just feels like an everyday habit.
I’ve gotten so accustomed to posting a blog every day that it will feel a bit odd not to, so we’ll see where all of this leads…but all I know is that it’s time to turn the page.
One of my favorite people to follow on instsgram lately is Barb Schmidt, aka Peaceful Barb. It seems like every single thing she posts is for me personally to read. You might feel the same if you check out her feed. :)
The other day she posted this, and I really really loved it:
“There’s so much more to the book than the page you were stuck on.”
I forget this a lot.
Sometimes, when you’re really feeling stuck, doesn’t it feel like in order to get un-stuck you have to start an entirely new BOOK!? Or even a whole new chapter? That “I need to change my entire life” feeling can be really daunting.
But a page?
Just a page…
Just a page.
That’s a sigh of relief.
I just have to turn the page.
And so much can be different when we just turn the page. One page.
Turning the page doesn’t have to be monumental. It might just be that something subtle needs to shift, and it’s time to move along into that new energy.
Turning the page can mean just starting a new habit that makes you feel good, one day at a time.
Turning the page can mean experimenting with stopping a habit that’s not serving you…one day at a time.
Turning the page can mean simply getting a change of scene.
Turning the page can mean taking a different route than you usually take. Spending a few days in a different city. Shaking things up a little bit.
Turning the page can mean considering a new possibility. Even a small one.
Turn the page.
And life becomes…different.
A small spark gets ignited when we turn the page. A newness.
You don’t have to stay stagnant in the energy you’re feeling right now.
It may seem like you can’t get out of it…but you can. You can take small steps.
Simply one page of your story at a time.
You may have to try something you haven’t tried before. Or something you have tried before, and it worked, but you haven’t tried it in awhile.
Anything ring a bell?
Turn the page. See what’s next.
Aren’t you curious?
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