Hello, my healthy crushing friends!
Over the weekend, I got a GORGEOUS package in the mail from my friend Vani — you may know her as The Food Babe – and I couldn’t wait to share it with you. In fact, I woke up this morning and ran downstairs to get started on this blog post. :)
Vani and I met a few years ago when I was working as a health coach in Dr. Lipman’s office, and we became fast friends. Even before meeting her, I had so much respect for her mission — to remove toxic ingredients from our food supply and educate people about what’s really in their food.
I LOVED the fact that she’s such a fierce and thorough researcher and investigator (you guys KNOW how much I appreciate a good researcher), and she’s an absolutely unstoppable food activist.
When I first started at nutrition school back in 2010, I had tears running down my face throughout an entire class when I learned about all the chemicals and toxins that were being pumped into our food supply and how it was contributing to disease.
I worked in digital advertising at the time, and all of my advertising clients were processed, packaged snack foods and pharmaceutical drugs. And my job was to get those advertisements in front of as many people as possible. MILLIONS of people.
The more I learned about nutrition, the more the truth hit me. By working in that job, I was contributing to the problem, rather than the solution. And it made me sick.
Eventually, I simply couldn’t stomach it any longer. I knew I had to switch gears and somehow help to empower people to make informed choices about their food and wellness – even in some small way. And that’s how Healthy Crush got started.
A few years later I met Vani — I’d never met anyone with such a fire inside for changing the food industry and helping people get healthy. Quite frankly, she’s a badass. I knew we’d become friends, and I knew I’d support her mission in any way possible.
Since then, I’ve spent time time eating meals with Vani around the world — in Barcelona, LA, Portland, NYC and more — no matter where we are, she always shows up with a list of the best organic restaurants. When I stayed with her on a weekend retreat, she even brought her own organic coffee and organic coconut milk for the hotel room. :) She’s the real deal, she doesn’t sacrifice when it comes to quality ingredients, and I trust her recommendations wholeheartedly. She’s always the first person I go to when I’m wondering about something I read on an ingredient label, or when I need an idea for a clean, healthy recipe.
Truvani Officially Launches
So that’s why I was SO pumped when Vani told me she was launching her own line of products called Truvani — and she’s starting with one of my favorite spices – turmeric!

Turmeric was one of the first spices I learned about in nutrition school (I wrote about it here) and I started using it in everything right away. I called it “the magic spice” because of its potent anti-inflammatory properties. I also learned that black pepper increases your body’s absorption of the curcumin (the active compound in turmeric), and that you should always have turmeric and black pepper together.
I quickly came to believe that turmeric is one of the absolute best things you can eat for enhanced health and disease prevention.
Truvani’s Core Values
- Real food without added chemicals
- Products without toxins
- Labels without lies
Why This Supplement Is So Different
You already know that Vani is EXTREMELY PARTICULAR about what goes into her food, and she’s leaving no stone unturned when it comes to producing the best turmeric supplement available. Head over here to see what steps she went through to make sure she was only sourcing the best ingredients on Earth.
But here’s what stands out to ME the most.
What I loved about this supplement right away:
There’s No Casing
There’s NO casing on it at all — you can smell the fragrant turmeric when you open the bottle!

You Can Make Tea With It (!!!!)
Because there’s no casing, you can either just swallow it like a pill, OR YOU CAN DISSOLVE IT IN HOT WATER to make tea or golden milk. WHAT!?!? I’ve never seen anything like that before!!!
I tried it this morning. It was absolutely delicious on its own, or you could try adding a touch of honey and coconut milk to make it even more decadent.

More Benefits of Turmeric
- Anti-inflammatory: The active ingredient in turmeric is curcumin, a potent anti-inflammatory that helps maintain healthy inflammation responses.
- Supports Healthy Joints: Beneficial in promoting overall joint health and mobility.
- Promotes Heart Health: Its properties support the overall health of the cardiovascular system.
- Encourages Healthy Cholesterol Levels: Helps maintain healthy cholesterol levels.
- Boosts Stress Tolerance: As an adaptogen, it helps counteract the adverse effects of everyday stress on the body.
- Supports Weight Loss: Curcumin can positively influence weight management in overweight people.
- Supports Healthy Metabolism: Aids in maintaining normal blood sugar levels.
- Optimizes Vitality: Its powerful antioxidant properties fight excess free radicals in the body that can damage cells and diminish health.
- Supports Brain Health: Helps maintain healthy cognitive function and working memory.
- Promotes Radiant Skin: By providing proper nourishment, it helps your body produce more radiant and healthy-looking skin.
- Improves Mood: Curcumin helps to reduces symptoms of mild mood changes.
- Soothes Digestion: Reduces symptoms of bloating and gas related to occasional indigestion.
Order Truvani Turmeric
The other thing I love so much about Truvani is that you can sign up for a subscription and have it sent to you every month automatically. I always wonder why more supplement companies don’t offer subscriptions, so you don’t have to get to the bottom of your bottle before remembering to order more! Especially for such potent daily supplements like turmeric.
Personally, I’m signing up for the subscription and I plan to give a few bottles to my dad, too.
She just launched this supplement today, so if you order Truvani Turmeric this week you’ll get a big discount on your order – especially if you order a subscription! If you order this week, you’ll get 25% off your monthly bottle of turmeric for the life of your subscription!!! Which makes it sort of a no-brainer. See all of your launch week discount options here.
I’m already in love with this turmeric supplement because it’s so different than anything I’ve ever seen before, so I’m excited to make it part of my daily wellness routine.
Thank you for being you, Vani! I can’t wait to see what you come out with next.

Have you tried turmeric? Leave a comment below with your favorite way to use it!
Love and antioxidants,
Ben David says
Hi Jenny, Would you please ask Vani (or answer if you know) why this product must contain organic rice hulls, and organic rice extract blend? Why add GRAIN to a product that should be anti-inflammatory?
Thank you!!
Jake R. says
Very fragrant and thanks for the multi use tip! I’m actually going to drop one in my juicing and let it dissolve. Organic raw turmeric is hard to get around here, so this will work great (still taking them regularly too).
Bret Bouer says
As a toxin expert, I am very concerned about the quality of Food Babe’s turmeric supplement since the raw ingredients are sourced from India because India is known by the experts to have more ingredient tampering and adulteration than anywhere else in the world including China!
This article and many others show that both turmeric and black pepper, the two ingredients in her turmeric product, from India often has toxic adulterants added and masked with commercial non-food grade toxic dyes.
After a series of studies since 2010, IISR scientists using DNA barcoding found black better and turmeric from India was adulterated!
I know that they test for metals but do they test for other adulterants?
Julie says
Hi Jenny, I’m echoing Ben’s request for GRAIN-FREE ingredients. I can’t consume them they are so inflammatory. (Quickly Google the SCD diet by Elaine Grotschel on the inflammatory research of grains and you’ll see what I mean.) Looking forward to future (grain-free) products. Thanks to Vani for her current endeavors in the trenches of the food industry, we are rooting for her! I want to have more (not fake)healthy resources saturating the market out there!