Ah, the BluePrint Cleanse. It seems to be all the rave these days – every time I mentioned to someone that I was trying it out, that person had either already done it or had been planning on doing it. BluePrint Cleanse (BPC) obviously has some great brand awareness going on. So for all of you considering embarking on a BPC, here’s the rundown! (Read about the benefits of cleansing here).

I just finished a 3-day cleanse. I chose Level 3, Excavation Cleanse, because I’ve done cleanses before and eat a relatively clean diet. There are other levels to choose from Foundation & Renovation. Check them out here.
When I read the description of the Excavation Cleanse and who it was “meant for,” I felt like it was written for me. I read it and was like “YES! This is what I always try to express…how the hell did you say it so eloquently?” Sigh.
Excavation Type:
“I am extremely conscious of everything I put into my body. I exercise, I don’t make drinking a habit, and I eat organic. Am I a vegan? A raw foodist? I’m not into labels – so, when people ask me that question, I simply reply: ‘I eat what I want, when I want it.” I don’t consider choosing my food wisely, “missing out.” My only rule is: If it doesn’t make me feel healthy and zaps my energy, I don’t eat it. I’m not trying to live forever; I just want to make sure that while I am alive, I feel as good as I possibly can!”
Again, BPC people…you are good at marketing. Really good.
Anyway, my cleanse included 6 juices per day. 4 Green Juices, 1 Spicy Lemonade, and 1 Cashew Milk.
The bottles are conveniently numbered so you can never forget which order to drink them.

One of the things that got me the most excited was the cooler bag (comes free with your order, so make sure to check the little box on the site that says “add cooler bag”)! This little bag comes with ice packs and allows you to take your cold juices with you wherever you go. Plus, you can use it for other things when your cleanse is over. Bonus!
BPC also sends you emails instructing you on how to ease into and out of your cleanse. I felt very supported and guided by all of the info they gave me! Oh, and they deliver the cleanses to your door anywhere in the US, and have lots of pick-up locations too.

Here’s a recap of how I felt during the cleanse:
Day 1 – I only had tea & water until around 10am, so I didn’t have my first juice until then. I paced them throughout the day and was surprisingly not too hungry. I had really high energy! I finished my last juice at around 9pm. I was a little hungry at certain points in the day, but drinking water helped!
Day 2 – Drank my first juice much earlier in the day, so I ended up having my last one around 6pm. I felt really hungry at night, and extremely tired. I was definitely jealous of my boyfriend’s food-eating abilities that night. I went to bed around 9:30pm and slept like a baby.
Day 3 – After 2 days of juicing I was able to pace myself correctly and drink lots of water in between juices. This helped the hunger levels immensely. I did smell food a few times throughout the day and every time it was like the best thing I’ve ever smelled, no matter what it was. I got through it, though, and by the end of the 3rd day I was feeling pretty light and cleansed.
Overall, I felt much better w/ energy and hunger levels in the mornings vs. at night. I’m sure that’s why they give you the cashew milk as your last drink, so you feel like you got a “dinner.”
Notes on the 3 juices:
- Green juice – really yummy. Definitely greeny tasting, but I like that. Ingredients: Romaine, Celery, Cucumber, Apple, Spinach, Kale, Parsley, Lemon.
- Spicy lemonade – perfect amount of spice and pretty delicious! A welcome treat as juice #4 after 3 green juices. Ingredients: Water, Lemon, Agave Nectar, Cayenne.
- Cashew milk – here’s where I wasn’t as impressed as I thought I’d be. People were raving about this milk so I couldn’t wait to have it. When I drank it, though, I realized how much more I like almond milk. Maybe one day they will give an almond milk option, like the Cooler Cleanse does. Also….eek….the cashew milk made my throat a little itchy. Does this mean I have a slight cashew allergy? Oy! Bring on the almond milk…. Ingredients: Water, Cashew, Agave Nectar, Vanilla Bean, Cinnamon.
Let’s talk price. A 3-day cleanse is $180. With 18 juices included (6 per day) this comes out to $10 per juice. Here’s the thing. If you live in NYC like I do, you probably have fresh juice bars on every block that can sell you a cheaper, fresher juice. If you have your own juicer, you can probably make a cheaper, fresher juice. But you won’t get all of the email support, cleansing instructions, cute cooler bag, and all of the juices at once like you do with BPC…so that’s where the extra cost may be worth it for some people. It’s up to you what kind of support and guidance you personally need on a cleanse.
Bottom line? BluePrint cleanse is great for cleansers who want lots of support/guidance and busy people who want the convenience of all of their juices being sent to them at once. And anyone who wants a cute cooler bag. If you have a juicer, time on your hands, live super close to a fresh juice place, or don’t feel you need the extra guidance, you may consider embarking on your own juice cleanse instead to save some bucks.
Have you ever tried the BluePrintCleanse? What did you think?
Janina says
This is a great review. I love reading you!
jenny sansouci says
Thanks Janina!!! xo
Jill says
Great review Jenny! I just ordered a cleanse for June! xo
macha says
Judy Griffin says
Good review Jenny. As a health Coach who prefers and coaches Whole Food Cleanses with Freshly made juice I just wonder how nutritious packaged juice could possibly be. What are your thoughts?
Heather says
I live in Canada – is BPC available to be oredered and delivered here as well? Please let me know!
I would like to try it! I’ve never done a cleanse before – but after reading your article and browsing your website- I am wowed by it all!
Thank you. I have become a fan of Healthy Crush!
jenny sansouci says
Hi Judy, you can read more about BPC’s method for juicing & delivery here: http://blueprintcleanse.com/delivery.html. It sounds like they do their best to deliver the freshest juice possible. Although I agree the fresher the better, this could be a good option for people who don’t have access to the fresh-pressed juice.
Heather – looks like their site says US only, but can’t hurt to give them a call and ask! :)
Carrie Gabriel says
Very interesting and informative article! I have always wanted to try a pre-made cleanse, because then the work is already done for you…but for 3 days at $180, I may consider juicing on my own. Good to know you weren’t starving!!
Jasmine says
They’re pasteurized, right?
jenny sansouci says
Jas- nope! http://blueprintcleanse.com/core-values.html
Katerina says
I am about to start this blue print cleanse for 3 days, but my question is how often you can repeat this cleanse?
Cheers :)
jenny sansouci says
Katerina – I’ve only done it once, but I’m sure you can repeat it as often as you want. The BPC site recommends once a month.
Lindsey says
Tried this cleanse, per your review and LOVED IT. I had a lot of energy and after two days of cleansing feel wonderful! I live in MD and would have never known about BPC, if not for your insight.
taelar says
hii, so i read that you said the price for a 3day cleanse was only $180 … which sounds somewhat decent for what all you get,as you said, but for me [ i live in the tampa bay area of FL, ordered online & had delivered through fedex. ] the cost came out to a total $225. $195 for the 18 juices, & a $30 shipping fee, which is pretty darn expensive if you ask me.. and i cant seem to find any coupon codes on the internet. so i guess im just wondering if the price difference is because the distance from new york to florida? or maybe since i am ordering mine at a much later date then your post here, one year a couple months later actuallty, has their prices gone up since then ? i feel like this cleanse would be great for me, although ive never really done a juice fast, or any fast for that matter, & im not the healthiest eater/person there is.. or close to it, haha, but i want to detoxify, so im going full force for the level 3, excavation 3 day challenge, hey im a go-getter ;) BUT is it really worth almost TWO HUNDRED AND FIFTY BUCKS ?! that is ALOT of money to me.. in fact just 50 bucks is alot to me at this stage of my life :/ ( with the economy & the terrible unemployment rate in the good ol’ sunshine state of florida )
taelar says
me again.. (from post above) sorry forgot to mention that i have NOT yet hit the ‘CHECK-OUT’ button on the final page and entered in my credit card info. my first post suggests that i have already ordered it and had it shipped because of my choice of words. [ “..i live in the tampa bay area of FL, orderED online & HAD delivered through fedex.”]
whoops.. but im just asking if it is really worth it, for the amount i would have to pay, being almost $50, MORE then the price you above-mentioned. thanks
jenny sansouci says
Hi, it looks like it did go up to $195 since I wrote the post. If I were you I’d check and see if there are any local juice places in Tampa that you can pick up a juice cleanse from that’s cheaper. If not, it’s up to you whether or not you think it’s worth the price to have Blueprint shipped. You can also check Cooler Cleanse or another cleanse company and compare prices. Good luck!
Kim Buchwald says
Wow…what a helpful review! How many pounds did you lose on the cleanse?
jenny sansouci says
I can’t remember with this specific one, but I usually end up losing about 1 lb per day on a juice cleanse.
Kasmer says
Hi there,
I’m starting the cleanse Wednesday but I don’t know which level to begin. I don’t know if I should do Renovation (which seems full of sugar) or Foundation (which seems more realistic for me). Your thoughts?
shawna says
I just finished this 3 day cleanse—-TORTURE!! Only way to describe it. First day I was STARVING. Second day I had zero energy and was drooling over food. Third day—I was just plain counting the hours down. I was not only weak and starving but had bloody stools every time I went to the bathroom. OH FUN TIMES! OH and did I mention I had to take naps every day for an hour or more? night of day 3 when all these things were drank down–I reached for a celery stick with lots of salt and ate a salad with olive oil and lots of salt. I am starting to feel like not a victim in a concentration camp anymore. I can think straight now. I lost 3 days of my life doing nothing but laying around–sleeping. I now have 3 days of work to catch up on –I DONT miss walking around feeling like a 2 yr old could push me down. NO THANKS> TOmorrow I cant wait to find my rice and beans!!