Dan Millman, author of The Life You Were Born To Live, has a lot of interesting things to say about what our birthdays have to do with our unique life paths. I don’t 100% subscribe to anything when it comes to this stuff, so take it or leave it, but I think all of it is interesting and worth looking into if you’re inspired to! I’ve gotten a lot of insight from it.
When I first read the book, I was blown away by how accurate Millman’s description of me was based on my birth date/numerology. The book asks you to calculate your “number,” and then there is a section for each number that outlines your strengths, weaknesses, common health conditions and relationship issues, dietary/lifestyle recommendations, etc. One of the main things that got me interested was, of course, the health section!
Can our birth dates really reveal any helpful information about our diet/lifestyle/health?
Who knows, but read on.
To calculate your number, you just add up your birthday. I’m 8/28/1982.
8+2+8+1+9+8+2 = 38. 3+8=11. So I’m a 38/11. (Don’t ask me why he does the slash thing. I’m sure he explains more about that in the book).
According to the book, 38/11s thrive on a vegetarian or modified vegetarian diet, enjoy creative cooking, and need a great deal of vigorous, daily aerobic exercise to release and ground their creative energy. I relate to this 100% (and always get my best creative ideas while on a long run)!
Here are some other examples from the book:
- 45/9s often prefer exciting/challenging exercises such as martial arts, water sports and mountain climbing. They may ignore the necessity of sound nutrition and suffer the consequences.
- 24/6s have a strong resistance to illness and usually heal quickly. Rather than looking for the perfect diet/exercise routine, they do best when they gradually refine their habits. They often do well with yoga or some form of dance.
- 32/5s tend to have a fast metabolism. They may use drugs as a form of adventure, only to learn that drugs can enslave them. They tend to overextend themselves. Cross-training, moving to music, and hiking are all excellent for 32/5s.
- 48/12s are often susceptible to stress and tension and their immune systems can be compromised. They tend to put on weight easily. A low-fat, vegetarian diet works well in the long run.
- 27/9s need to trust their instincts and intuition when it comes to diet and exercise. They have probably studied theories of nutrition but need to check it against their own intuition system before they act. Meditation gives 27/9s a chance to rest their mind.
- 16/7s gravitate towards light eating, because for them, quality is more important than quantity. A satisfying, nourishing but light diet works well.
- 30/3s need to be careful not to be run by their moods or seek consolation in the form of food. Expansive exercise to music lifts their spirits.

So – yeah. I just think this is really cool stuff. If you think it’s cool too, it can’t hurt to check it out and see if any of it resonates with you! There are pages and pages of descriptions for each number, along with guidelines and recommendations. Get the book!
If you think all this is crazy-talk, well then just remember that even without your birthday being involved, everyone is unique — so the best diet and exercise plan for you is what makes you feel best inside and out!
jasmine says
omggg. what does the diet suggestion say for 35/8? so curious!