Nothing can compare to the taste of fresh, in-season produce! Aside from the taste, there are lots of great reasons to buy farm-fresh fruits and veggies. (Read here: Why buy local produce?)
What does it mean to buy seasonal produce?
- Certain fruits and vegetables can only be grown in certain climates, and grow at certain times of the year.
- When you buy produce “in season,” it’s generally farmed locally – you’re purchasing the product when it’s plentiful in your area.
- In season produce is less expensive than out-of-season produce. Since it doesn’t have to travel far to get to you, you aren’t paying extra for gas, labor, transportation, etc.
- In general, there are less pesticides/toxins utilized in growing local/seasonal produce, since they don’t have to travel far or stay fresh for long periods of time.
So, cool, you get that in season produce rocks….so how do you know what’s in season near you?
One way to find out is to head over to your local farmer’s market and see what’s there. Talk to the farmers and ask them about the seasonal produce to find out what’s almost at the end of its season and what’s coming up next! Find a farmer’s market near you.
Another way to find out quickly is to Google “crop harvest calendar (your location here). ” Lots of great links will come up. This site has harvest calendars for every US State!
Here’s an example of what New York’s looks like:
Full NY harvest calendar available here.

So head over to the farmer’s market and stock up on seasonal produce! You’ll get the best bang for your buck, your health and your tastebuds. :)
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