I love chocolate! I’ve always been a chocolate lover, and when I got into healthy/natural eating, that didn’t change. In fact, I probably love chocolate more now than I ever did in the past. I’ve found new and improved ways of eating chocolate that taste WAY better than that sugary, corn-syrupy processed stuff!
There are tons of brands of chocolate out there that are doing an incredible job creating chocolate with integrity – using minimally processed, nutrient-dense ingredients, and putting a lot of love and consideration into their creations.
First things first – I tend to only buy raw chocolate.
Raw chocolate is one of the highest antioxidant foods out there. Raw means the ingredients are in their natural state and crafted at the lowest temperatures possible to keep the integrity of the nutrients. Raw chocolate is usually free of sugar, dairy and chemicals/additives. IT’S THE BEST!!
I don’t buy anything with sugar, even if it’s organic cane sugar. (If I do, it’s extremely rare or probably was an accident).
Quite frankly…it makes me feel like crap! I prefer more natural sweeteners that don’t spike your blood sugar so much. I’m super sensitive to the “sugar blues”, and I don’t need more of an emotional rollercoaster than is absolutely necessary. :)
That being said, it can be overwhelming trying to choose a raw chocolate bar among the masses of new brands popping up, but I’ll tell you…there are actually only 2 brands that I buy on a regular basis. I try other brands once in awhile, but these are the constants in my life:
This was the first raw chocolate I ever tried – and much like a first true love, this chocolate dove straight into the center of my heart and hasn’t left. In my opinion, it’s the best tasting raw chocolate around. It’s made right down the street from me in Brooklyn, and I’d be lying if I said we hadn’t knocked on the door of founder Daniel Sklaar’s apartment in need of a chocolate fix. ;)
This chocolate is rich, smooth, delicious…everything I’ve ever wanted. Ha. Judge me all you want, but I am truly, madly, deeply in love with it.
My favorite? The cacao & coconut bonbon. OMG.
Gnosis Chocolate does it RIGHT. These raw, vegan chocolates are packed with superfoods and herbs! It really is the world’s most nutritious chocolate. With tons of different flavors, there is something for everyone – and they’re constantly coming out with new chocolate masterpieces. Vanessa Barg, the founder of Gnosis, went to IIN with me. She is extremely conscious about every ingredient and process that goes into her chocolate, and you can trust that what’s going into your body is the highest quality available on the planet.
My favorite? The Fleur de Sel bar. Salt + chocolate will win me over every time. SWOON FEST!

Ok, so those are my favorites. But there are other chocolate brands out there that have me crushing.
Some other awesome chocolate brands:
David Wolfe’s chocolate brand. David Wolfe is awesome, and I’ve been a fan of his for years. The only reason I don’t buy this chocolate more is because I don’t find it at a lot of stores around me, so it tends to take the back burner. It tastes amazing, though, and is also loaded with superfoods and super herbs.
Although I must admit, I love their Drinking Chocolate more than I love their chocolate bars, they are putting out some products that have a lot of integrity. The founders of NibMor are fellow IIN grads, too! My favorite is the Extreme bar – it has cacao nibs in it, so it’s crunchy. I like that.

I know there are so many awesome raw chocolate companies out there and I love supporting them!!! If you own a raw chocolate company and you think I should add you to this list, you’re welcome to send me some and I’ll test it out! :) Email me. But don’t send me chocolate with cane sugar in it! Pretty please.
Do you have a favorite healthier-for-you chocolate brand I need to try!? Please let me know!
Cheers to conscious indulgence!!
Tracy says
Love these! Happy Valentine’s Day Jenny!
Laurel says
I tried Fine&Raw for the first time tonight and I love it! Thx for the recommendation! I’ve always loved Gnosis but now I found another fantastic raw choc to choose from! :)
Charmaine says
Jenny, is the cacao powder in NibMor’s drinking chocolate raw? I can’t find this information on their website and when I emailed them they didn’t respond. I’m REALLY into the mental high from raw cacao and want to replace my morning coffee with their drinking chocolate, but only if I know that I’ll get the same pick-me-up that I get from raw cacao. Thanks!
jenny sansouci says
Hi Charmaine, I assume it is, but you could always make your own w/ your favorite raw cacao too. :) Cacao + whatever sweetener you like!
Charlotte says
I’m eating puremelt chocolate from Bayron Bay. Amazing! Never had anything quite like it! Check them out. Just ordered my first chocolate making kit! Wish me luck!
Lauren says
I just learned about Fearless chocolate. It is wonderful!