well hello kiddies! i’ve made it to day 8 of raw glory. i’ll tell you right now that it has been up and down so far! But mostly good. :)
That’s a picture of my favorite salad that I’ve been making: mixed greens, olive oil, 1 avocado, lime juice, and sea salt. heavenly, my friends! im serious!!!
Read on.. So, this weekend was tough for me because I had to undergo some semi-extensive dental work. Enough that my gums are sore from being dug into to reconstruct a tooth (sorry to be graphic). Ick. Anyway, as you can imagine, after the procedure I couldn’t eat anything solid.
The dentist told me to eat soft things like yogurt or ice cream for a couple of days until healed. Wait a second! I’m on a raw diet. What to do!? Well, luckily, Leo, my smart & raw-friendly boyfriend brought me to One Lucky Duck and we got raw smoothies and RAW ICE CREAM!
I’m not joking. Raw ice cream exists, and is unbelievably tasty!! I got the mint chip and Leo got the chocolate. Although I ended up having to spit out all the chips because I couldn’t chew them, it was worth it. SO GOOD! The main ingredients in the ice cream are coconut meat, soaked cashews, and agave to sweeten (and depending on the flavor…vanilla bean, peppermint oil….cacao…etc). YUM! Who would have thought I could eat ice cream on a raw diet!?
I know, I know…I probably shouldn’t make it a habit. But whatever, at least I know it’s there. :) The only thing is…we went into One Lucky Duck when I was pretty heavily sedated from the dentist appointment, and I am now embarassed to go back in.
Yesterday was the first time I had some severe cooked food cravings! I was craving all kinds of cooked vegan foods, like tofu & quinoa…vegan turkey clubs…etc. Since I had to only eat mush, I had to figure out a way to fill up on raw foods. I ended up making guacamole in the Magic Bullet and making it really smooth. Then I ate it with a spoon!
Last night Leo and I went out to dinner at Atlas Cafe in the East Village (open late, lots of vegan options) and I was soo jealous of his meal! He got my favorite…vegan club wrap!! But I sucked it up and got a salad with all veggies. Made a fruit smoothie at home as well, with berries and almond milk (not technically raw if you buy it from the store-making almond milk yourself is easy though).
I think I’m coming out of the initial detox from going raw, because I’m not sick anymore. I feel generally in good health, and in good spirits. I just can’t let myself get too hungry, or I get a bit crabby. That’s been the hard part for the last few days, filling myself up enough on mushy raw foods.
OH – I totally forgot to write about RawStar.

Last week we drove out to Prospect Heights, Brooklyn to check out this place. They have delicious raw food, and it’s less expensive than the raw restaurants in Manhattan! I knew it was legit because a few things we ordered were “still in the dehydrator” and not ready yet. Cool! We had some really yummy stuff. Raw falafel…raw lasagna made from mushroom meat, coconut meat, tomato paste, and other stuff (amazing!), and some really good raw strawberry/blueberry pie. Being raw feels so indulgent sometimes!!! Worth the trip out there.
Looking forward to what another week will bring. Love you all :)
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