All my life I thought prunes were disgusting. Had I ever tried one? Nope. I just assumed they were gross. I really don’t know why. Maybe because I always associated the word “prune” with the way my fingers looked after I spent too much time in the swimming pool as a kid. Pruny. That association, I guess, never made me want to eat a prune. Plus, they look weird.
A few weeks ago, though, I was in the health food store and I saw a bag of prunes. I had recently heard they were good for digestion. How bad could they be? I decided to buy them and just try them out. I expected to cringe when I ate one.
UM – what?! Prunes are delicious! And who knew they were just dried plums? Did you know that? There’s really nothing disgusting about them at all.
Ever since, I’ve been eating prunes once in awhile as a sweet snack, and they’re great. I might even go as far as to say that I love them.
Some of the health benefits of eating prunes:
- Lots of fiber – for regularity
- Powerful antioxidants
- Potassium – helps normalize blood pressure
- Vitamin A, beta-carotene, and other delightful things
Sure, I know, eating dried fruit may have a higher sugar content than fresh fruit (after all, if you eat 5 prunes that’s like eating 5 whole plums, really). But even so, they are a better choice than sugary snacks!
Prunes. Unsung heroes.
Prunes are great i love them allways like they i was a kid.