Having the pleasure of hearing stories and inspiration from 20+ of the country’s top yoga teachers all in one weekend isn’t an everyday thing. At the Being Yoga conference, I soaked up every little tidbit possible, and took notes like a mad woman so I could share them with you. I had my notebook everywhere. I even took notes while in downward dog.
Here are some of the quotes I heard throughout the weekend that I loved:
Yoga is a commitment to evolve and become more conscious, so our circle of compassion grows. Our practice opens us up to the idea that we’re all connected, and brings us to the experience of boundlessness. –Beryl Bender Birch
Yoga invites us into situations that bring up our weaknesses. Yoga is interested in a much deeper relationship, if we’re interested. What is yoga inviting you to be in relationship with? To be challenged by? Say yes to that. It’s rough, but it’s worth it! -Darren Rhodes
Live with the anticipation that something incredible might happen at any time. -Sharon Gannon
Compassion is the remedy for all suffering and pain. Our instinct is to keep suffering at arms length, but compassion requires a direct encounter, an embrace with pain. We realize our pain all plays the same song. Don’t be afraid to embrace pain – your own or others. We have to embrace the whole. That’s yoga. -Rev Jaganath Carrera

Yoga has led us not only to the beauty, magic and majesty of our bodies, but to the opportunities to make it right with ourselves, and right with our families. -Elena Brower
Your body remembers everything. If you don’t physically process it, it shows up as anxiety, tension, stress, disease, depression, or substance abuse. Yoga “rinses” the emotions. -Seane Corn
It’s easy to feel separate from other people. Yoga helps us move from fearful fragmentation to fearless fullness. -Carrie Owerko
Pay attention. Attention drives tranformation. -Beryl Bender Birch
Give yourself time to feel your suffering, but don’t make a habit out of it. Set an intention that you will be happy again and you WILL. -Desirée Rumbaugh
Be almost reckless. Let go of some control. Eliminate unnecessary effort. Release your chronic grip. -Peter Sterios
When we have light, we should share it and cherish it. Don’t extinguish the light. -Sharon Salzberg
You know there’s a better way – to live with courage and compassion. The noble one teaches by example and sets standards. -Sharon Gannon
Take the creative talents you’ve received and make offerings of that to others. -Darren Rhodes
Yoga means reclaiming our wildness – breaking down the barriers that stand between us and nature. -David Life

We can transform this moment by transforming our relationship to it. -Sharon Salzberg
In order to be seen, we must see and acknowledge others. To whom can we express gratitude? -Elena Brower
Don’t pretend you’re supposed to be anywhere else but where you are. Be real, honest, raw. This is why it’s called the warrior’s journey – it takes courage. -Seane Corn
I experienced less tension, stress and anxiety with each yoga class. -Darren Rhodes
In this life, we don’t have to worry about our next meal or a roof over our head. This is our time to go within. Love each other. Serve each other. Let your heart open. And don’t let a day go by without sending energy and prayers to people who are really suffering. –Rev. Jaganath Carrera
Before we can truly experience deep compassionate love, we must experience the opposite. Something has to die for something else to be reborn. It’s not personal, it’s spiritual. -Seane Corn
Delight in the fact that we have the power of choice and we chose this. -Sharon Salzberg
Bring your attention to the places where you can empower yourself. How can you create the most ease? -Peter Sterios
Yoga helps us find everything else, and brings us to an understanding of what we’re here to do on this planet. -Elena Brower
Even the most advanced yogi can strive to have a beginner’s mind, letting go of preconceived ideas. – Chrissa Pullicino, PR Manager, Omega Institute
Giovanna Brillembourg says
Thanks so much for sharing! This is amazing, so much knowledge and inspiration.