I have learned countless amazing gems of business wisdom over the years from my friend and mentor, Gabrielle Bernstein. She always seems to put the perfect message out at the perfect time, reach the perfect audience who needs her help, and she lives in a constant flow of abundance because of the way she operates her business. The most miraculous thing about it is that her work always feels like it’s publicized from a grounded, genuine place of truly wanting to help people. You can feel it in every book, product, lecture and tweet she puts out there. Gabrielle has been featured in leading media outlets like the New York Times Sunday Styles section, Elle Magazine, Oprah Radio, Marie Claire, Women’s Health, Glamour, Self, and more. She’s a serious inspiration to me, and as a result of working with her I’ve been able to chill out, put my work out into the world from a really beautiful, authentic place, and trust the universe has my back when it comes to my biz.
Lots of entrepreneurs have amazing service-minded business ideas, but get caught up in confusion when it comes to marketing and publicity. You have a big vision, you dream of what it will look like and fantasize about all the people you will help. Maybe you even have a product already created. Then you get to the part where you have to put yourself out there and attract people. If you don’t have a PR or marketing background, that stuff can feel like you’re looking into a big, gaping black hole.
Maybe you’re afraid to even BEGIN a project because you think it’s already been done or you have nothing unique to bring to the table. Some of the questions I get frequently (often from other IIN grads) are:
-How will I find clients?
-How can I generate sales without seeming pushy or salesy?
-How do you differentiate yourself and your business when other people are out there doing similar things?
-How can I create a service-minded business that focuses on doing good in the world, but still make enough money to support my dream lifestyle?
The exciting news is that Gabrielle has a course coming out TOMORROW that specifically addresses all of this and more – she’s offering up tools to manifest publicity in a way that feels totally aligned with you and your mission. Get details and register here. (and get a 50% discount)!
This course will completely change the way you run your shop, and help you lead from a place of intuition, trust and true service – which in turn will allow abundance to flow into your life naturally. What’s better than that?
To give you a taste of what this course will bring you, I’ll share my #1 top piece of advice from Gabrielle that I use daily:
My #1 Tip for spiritually aligned, authentic marketing:
DO NOT – I repeat – DO NOT press “send,” “post,” or “tweet” when you’re feeling a mentality of lack, neediness, fear, comparison, or any other “not good enough” type of emotions. People can feel the energy behind your message, even through the computer, especially if your energy screams “I need money!” If you’re about to publicize something, whether it’s through email, social media, your web site, or any other method — you want to make sure you’re feeling excited about genuinely helping people with your services before you post anything.
Example of this tip in action: Before I post a new blog or send out my Healthy Crush newsletter, I try to let go of any expectations of how many people will read it or how many clicks or “likes” it will get, and I focus on my reason for doing what I do – to help people live healthier, happier, more inspired lives. I put on a meditative, peaceful song and I ask that my newsletter or blog be put into the hands of the people who need it most. I ask that someone, even one person, be helped or inspired by my work. I picture people clicking on the blog link or receiving the email, opening it, smiling, and finding exactly what they need at that moment. Then, and only then, when I’m basking in this beautiful image of the offering I’m making to the world, I press “send.” Whew – now THAT feels good.
Gabrielle’s course will cover this concept and so much more. So if you’re looking to publicize your business, help more people and make more money in a way that feels authentic and spiritually aligned with your higher purpose…then get the details and register here.
The live tele-course will outline Gabrielle’s 7 Key Principles for Manifesting Media for Your Message. All participants automatically receive downloadable mp3s of all three lessons.
As a bonus, you’ll receive:
- A FREE compilation of seven 20-minute instructional videos on how to create a spiritual publicity plan
- A 90-minute live lecture video from Gabrielle’s God is My Publicist talk so you can tap into the inspiration and instruction anytime
Cheers to your unique product or message reaching the audience who needs you most! And if you do register for the course and start implementing Gabrielle’s advice, please share with me how it’s impacting your life, your business and your clients. I would love to hear. :)

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