If you haven’t heard yet about GaiamTV, get ready for endless hours of awesomeness! It’s my latest obsession. And I do not say this lightly.
I love learning new things about nutrition and getting different perspectives on health, spirituality, yoga and all those kinds of fun things. I’ve spent a lot of time online in the past few years Googling all different topics in the wellness world and trying to find the best content to absorb. GaiamTV puts everything in one place with online videos – it’s like the Netflix for everything I love!!
There are interviews with leaders in the health & wellness field, the top documentaries, personal development classes, and even full length yoga classes!! You can choose your instructor, class type, class length and get awesome yoga instruction at home by top teachers like Seane Corn, Shiva Rea, Rod Stryker, Rodney Yee, Gurmukh, Tommy Rosen, and tons more. Check out all the video choices. Ah! How cool is that? I will 100% be doing this whenever I can’t get to a live yoga class. It’s the sweetest deal.
You can try it out for free for 10 days, just to see if you like it (after that it’s $9.95 per month). If you’re anything like me, you’ll get overwhelmed with glee about how much amazingness there is to learn about.
They have the following video categories: Films/Series/Documentaries, Personal Development, Spirituality, Metaphysics, Yoga, Fitness, Health & Wellness and more. It’s like my happy video playground. They even have Jillian Michaels videos. :)
Also, a ton of the videos feature Institute for Integrative Nutrition teachers, so it’s a beautiful extension of my holistic health education. It just rocks so hard. You can watch the videos from your mobile devices, too.
Some of the coolest videos I’ve watched/can’t wait to watch on GaiamTV:
- Ayurveda for Detox with John Douillard
- The Happiness Prescription with Deepak Chopra
- Detox Flow Vinyasa with Seane Corn
- Superfood Secrets to Optimal Health with David Wolfe
- Fresh – Documentary on Food Production
And sooo many more. You can watch a quick interview for a positivity pick-me-up, or you can make a night out of it and really get your learn on.

I’ll be sharing more about the gems of wisdom I watch on GaiamTV here in the future, so please stay tuned. And in the meantime, enjoy your free 10 day trial! Let me know what videos you watch, and if there are any great ones you recommend I watch!!
Happy GaiamTV watching. :)
[…] great review of Gaiam TV- I’ve been curious to try this […]