Guest Post by Ritu Ashrafi
I’m fairly new to meditation and have been practicing for less than a year but I can honestly say that meditation changed my life. I see my life as pre-meditation and post-meditation because the difference between the two is staggering. Let me tell you why.
I am Ritu Ashrafi and I have known Jenny for a couple of years. We met while working together in a cool startup media company in Brooklyn, NY. I had just moved to New York from my hometown of Toronto, chasing big dreams and a happily ever after with my ambitious & successful boyfriend. After four years in NYC, the fun died down, the career was well on its way, and the relationship was ripe to take the next step — but the undercurrent of the personal belief that I wasn’t good enough to deserve any of it rose up and I made an impulsive decision to leave New York behind and move to London.
The same story repeated itself in London. I didn’t attach my self-worth with a guy this time around, things were as good as it gets and I even met a guy who made me smile. As soon as these things happened, the horrible feeling that was so much a part of my belief system reared its ugly head and convinced me that I wasn’t good enough to have it. That I didn’t deserve to be happy. So I did what the horrible voice told my subconscious to do, and made myself miserable. I broke that nice guy’s heart, retreated from my friends and family and started to feel sorry for myself.
Then something magical happened. Jenny emailed me to tell me that she was coming to London for a visit during the summer! I was looking forward to having some excitement during this down phase and was psyched to see my old friend again in my new town. Jenny was in London with Gabby Bernstein who was promoting Spirit Junkie at the time and doing some speaking gigs in the UK. I went to see Jenny and Gabby at the Mind, Body, Spirit festival where I meditated for the first time in a 30 minute group meditation lead by Gabby. And my life changed.
I incorporated meditation into my everyday life and finally shut up for long enough to hear my loving self speak up instead of my hateful self. I listened and heard encouragement and unconditional love instead of doubt and negative talk. My life completely changed at its core. Confusion lessened when I sat down and asked for guidance. A difficult relationship became easier after I closed my eyes and sent love to that person.
And most of all, listening to that nicer voice, I have found the courage, drive and willpower to make my biggest dream come true. My dream to create a website and business that helps young women to navigate their 20s and live their lives with grace. The kind of site and service that the 24 year old Ritu could really have used. The Lifester is equal parts hard work and inner intuitive guidance gained from meditation. Keep an eye out for the launch of the site in early April 2013! And try out meditation if you haven’t already. I recommend Gabby’s recorded meditations as they are an excellent introduction for beginners. If you want to take a full meditation course, check out the teachers listing on the Atma Kriya website – a style of meditation that really worked for me.
Meditation changed my life – definitely for the better!
Lots of love, (Post Meditation) Ritu
That’s me with Jenny and Gabby in London!
How has meditation helped you? Let us know in the comments below and keep in touch with Ritu through Facebook and Twitter.
Sindhu says
Ritu, I absolutely loved reading this. It sure sounds like you have been through your ups and downs. I’m glad you have decided to direct your energy within yourself through meditation. It is a pleasant surprise indeed when you come to the realization that true happiness stems from within! It cannot be found outside of you, and if you feel you HAVE found it outside of it, it will only be in a conditional form. It will come and go when you attach your happiness to something external.
It sounds like you’re well on your way to picking up the pieces that you were leaving behind, and I envision a very bright future for you and all your endeavors!
I’m looking forward to the Lifester. :)
Ritu says
Thank you so much Sindhu! I consider you one of my teachers in this great school of life as well.
This comment sums it up, really. Sending love!
Arynetta says
Wonderful post on the power of meditation. So often we have reoccurring instances in our life – off actions, wayward decisions. The thing is most of us are trying to do the right things and make the right choice, we just don’t realize it’s all stemming from the wrong voice. Meditation quiets that chatter down long enough for our true voice to shine through & man oh man, how those decisions change! It is incredibly life altering. Sat Nam, beautiful!
Meditation for true happiness says
Meditation for true happiness confirms that true happiness is found inside us. The feelings of satisfaction and completeness that we often seek outside ourselves are actually part of our basic personality. Sorry to say, we have become so used to looking outside of ourselves for happiness that we often do not know how to find out this inner wealth.