Gnosis always has awesome seasonal treats, and they don’t fail to deliver in the springtime category. I tried all of these chocolates and whoa..I honestly shouldn’t be surprised at how delicious they are, but still, my mind is blown every time I try a new Gnosis truffly treat. These things are like a burst of springtime in your mouth!
And guess what… I’m doing a giveaway!!! I know. Best news of the day!

(Contest closed!)
Darbi says
I can finally get outside to run! Not too hot, not too cold:)
Dejia B says
Bike riding in the fresh spring air!
MANDA says
Getting plenty of sun after months of clouds!
Jessica says
Bike riding down to the beach!! And finally being able to start my own organic garden in my own backyard, since my new apartment has one, instead of just helping with my moms! Been waiting for years!!
Jordan D says
I love the longer daylight hours and the warmer weather…it definitely motivates me to get outside for more exercise. I love taking evening walks!
Wehaf says
I love getting outside more! The fresh air, sunshine, and exercise always make me feel better after a long winter.
Kat says
Vitamin D from the sun, going for long walks again and starting to eat lighter and healthier. Maybe even a short juice detox… You never know!
Carol H says
I love Spring! All the trees and flowers coming back to life — it renews a sense of hope!
Spring also means being able to get outside more — hiking, walking and GARDENING!!!! Love getting the garden planted!
Kathleen says
There are so many things I love about spring! I love the produce that nature provides us so that we can naturally detox. I love the birds chirping in the morning which puts a smile on my face. I love how everyone’s moods improve. But most importantly I love how it signifies that our life is full of cycles. And even after the most frigid and intense winters we all know that beautiful flowers and leaves will bloom. Which I think can inspire us as human beings.
Judy Griffin says
I love the sunshine, the blossoms, & the abundance of greens to cleanse & replenish my body.
Kathryn says
Running with my dog outside, biking by the lakes, and going to the farmer’s market!
Christine says
I love the freedom. I love the air. I love the smell of hope and change. I love the dance that nature plays, giving us new tree’s and colors and temperature, new fruits and veggies and feelings that match the Spring. I love the happy colors and happy people.
Shannon says
Vitamin D from the sun! Longer days mean I can run/bike/practice yoga outside after I get out of work! Plus ditto on everyone above, some very beautiful, inspiring comments you’ve received, just like you :) I especially second the farmer’s market comment, I miss those things like crazy.
Dawn Hall says
Love to meditate by the creek that I ride the trails by. I live in Texas so spring time is the best time to meditate outside. Plus all the Veggies that are available
Kiki Harshman says
My fave healthy thing about spring is getting outside to play again aaaaaaaand guacamole dinners!
Kristen m says
I love being able to air out the house AND go for long walks.
Trisha Durham says
Spring lifts my spirits and the return of the sun makes for lots of mornings in the garden!
Kate says
Being able to exercise outside, and the beginning of the season for all my favorite fruits!
mary janssen says
My favorite healthy thing about spring is reaping the rewards of a spring garden.
shawna mahoney says
I can;t wait to take my son for a walk every day. Not only do i get a workout but my son gets to experience new things and learn about the world. He will be one on April 20th. Everything is a wonder to him and its amazing to watch him.
Jacquie says
I love Gnosis Chocolate and it will be one (of many) thing I’ll miss moving to Maine.
That said, I’m so excited this spring to be a part of growing and harvesting the organic farm that’s attached to the restaurant I’ll be working at. Seeing it completely go from farm to table and working with that amazing product with the bright sun and harbor under our feet will be amazing.
Kelly says
Longer days mean more time to fit in a workout and more time to cook healthy meals!
Jen L. says
Sunshine, more hours of daylight, newly planted gardens, farmer’s markets, and an additional reason to use ACV and honey(to prevent allergies) ;-)
Mickie says
getting outside to run & walk and all the fresh fruits & vegetables!
Danielle DesLauriers says
Getting outside and working the garden for another season of planting. Getting to go for walks around the lake. Opening all the windows in the house and never shutting them again until late fall.
Darryl says
I love all the above and do most in the winter most of all I love my Pool which I cannot do in the winter!
C Wong says
I love to get outside and do some hiking
Brenda C. Wilson-Wong says
My favorite Healthy thing about springtime is when the sun starts shinning so i can get out and exercise. Its when you can go to the farmers market or just the farms and get fresh fruit and veggie’s. Love picking my own stawberry’s from the farms. It’s like waiting for Christmas & chopping down your own tree. Spring is so fresh!
Terri Cole says
My favorite healthy thing(s) about spring are the produce that becomes abundant and affordable, like asparagus and strawberries, and getting outside in the sunshine.
Amanda @runtothefinish says
ohh my favorite healthy thing about spring time is truly throwing open the windows to get fresh air circulating through the house
Stephanee says
I honestly loathe being inside, so when Spring arrives, my face is constantly lit with joy. When I’m at home and I make fresh juice or some hot tea, I want to be able to walk outside and sit on my swing to drink it. I want to be able to go hiking, camping, rollerblading, you name it! Ever since I became a vegan, I have felt more in tune with Nature. I can sit outside and feel the essence of life just pulsing around me. It’s harder to accomplish that during the winter!!
Ally Shade says
Planting & harvesting the divine herbs I use in my bath and body products :) and listening to the Canadian geese fly over the Allegheny River & forest where I live.
Elizabeth says
Favorite thing about Spring is longer hours of sun! I live on the ocean and when spring hits, the smell of the ocean in the breeze and the sunshine on your face makes you want to spend all day outside <3
Stephanie says
I’ve been anxiously waiting for the giant tree outside of my window to bloom. Not something you get to see everyday in NYC! And of course to bike ride Along the West Side Highway and wear flip flops.
Linda colley says
My favorite healthy thing about spring is…the smells of the fresh air… the blooming of the trees and flowers…and im a runner i run even in the winter so mius 20 this winter was harsh…i look so forward to the sunny skies…and seeing all the beautiful people i always make sure im smiling.
sheila lemons says
I love spring with all the flowers in bloom. I think the healthiest thing about it for me is that I get outdoors more, walking, maybe take some pictures. I like to have fun and get out of the house!
Kathy says
The sun, opening the windows to air out the house, spring cleaning inside and out, dog sun bathing in the driveway, kids playing outside, planting flowers, and the change of fruits and vegetables from winter to spring! I LOVE this time of year!
Rachel says
Being able to go outside and enjoy the sunshine and fresh air. Also the bike rides and kayak trips, the flowers coming up, hearing the birds singing, having the windows open…. I enjoy photography, and it’s really nice to be able to go outside barefoot and just walk around looking for little flowers and birds and such to take pictures of.
Sandi White says
Running barefoot through the grass! Watching the first greens of my spring lettuce grow! Enjoying the warm sunshine on my face, even though it only got in the low 50’s here today. Collecting the ladybugs that are gathering around my windows and releasing them back into the wild.
Svetlana says
I absolutely LOVE spending more time outdoors and getting my vitamin D intake for me and my kiddos! All those spring time flowers bring so much joy to our outings!
Zenimue says
Listening to all the birds in my backyard. BBQ’s/vegan potlucks in our backyard. Picking wildflowers after a hike. I’m pregnant so I’ve been enjoying feeling the warm sun on my belly =) Fresh organic berries are a Spring fav. Also fond of road trips & picnics. After shoveling lotsa snow I welcome this new season with open arms.
michele says
Running in the fresh outdoors with my son in his stroller
Ariadna says
Sun tea, making yummy dinners after a farmer’s market run, and enjoying bon fires in my back yard with friends =)
Kelly says
Longer daylight hours to go for walks and hikes!
Debra Lee says
Cooking is so much better with fresh herbs!
Lara Hanna says
Long walks in lovely, spring air, while absorbing the warmth of strong-but-not-too-strong sun. Spring is my favorite for a million reasons. But if I only get to pick one for this comment section, it is definitely simply enjoying being outdoors more and walking more, after a too-sedentary NYC winter cooped up.
Carissa says
I love all the buds & flowers popping up, the warm sunshine, & the fresh produce (asparagus & strawberries, especially!).
Christine Conti says
Spring = big smiles … moving the exercise outdoors, walking around and being able to enjoy everyone’s gardens full of life!
Clarisa Mompremier says
My favorite thing about spring is the farms selling fresh flower on the honor system. You pick the flowers and leave them money in a bucket. It’s also the beginning of u-PICK season where you can go out and pick your own fruit.
Jennifer Hinson says
Spending more time outside. The weather is perfect for evening walks with the kids!
Elizabeth Kohen says
Spending time outside with my daughter, soaking up the breezy sunshine and fresh air.
Michele P aka Pizazz says
My favorite healthy thing about spring is heading to the farmer’s market every weekend and buying the fixings for salads that contain fruits and vegetables. My favorite is an arugula salad with avocado and strawberries! Happy Spring!
Melissa St. Cyr says
Love the longer days and being able to soak up some sun while cleaning the windows after a long winter. Do some yard work and at night sit by a fire with the kids and enjoy the cool night.
Cathy Clark says
My favorite thing to do in the springtiime is plant my garden and watch it grow!!
Scott says
I like going to the farmers market and playing with my kids in the fresh outdoors.
Becca Z says
My favorite healthy thing about springtime is hitting the 17 mile bike path in the next county most weekends and picking up our fruits and veggies at the farmer’s market along the way.
Amelia says
Fresh berries, beautiful flowers blooming, longer hours of sunlight, and being outside to mountain bike, hike, and run!
Ayala Skopp says
My favorite healthy thing about spring is the feeling of possibility it inspires within. I am always in awe each spring when the blooms emerge on the tree branches–nature’s way of saying “I BEGIN AGAIN!” It’s a reminder that we too can bloom out like the trees and flowers. Also, I always think back to springtime as a child, when the day grew longer and it felt like a whole new world. Magic! Miracles! Spring!
Sabrina @ Living, Learning, Eating says
I like that the beautiful weather makes me want to go outside and feel the sun on my skin! livinglearningeating AT gmail DOT com
Molly Buss says
Springtime means my saturday yoga class moves outdoors, mats are optional in the green grass.
Marissa says
it’s warm enough to roller skate outside! finally, life outside the warehouse!
Madeline says
I like going hiking with my family at the county park.
Dejan says
I like that the beautiful weather makes me want to go outside and feel the sun on my skin! livinglearningeating AT gmail DOT com
Md Raziuddin says
My favorite healthy thing about springtime is to take hot bath and go for long drive
Ann Wilkinson says
I love being outside and to breath in natural air. Although disabled I use a mobility scooter and just love being out on it
Junior says
I love Spring too, Berries, beautiful flowers, longer hours of sunlight….
Vikas says
I love make a round on fresh air with family.