This is probably the awesomest thing that’s ever happened on my blog. I’m giving away a VITAMIX!
If you’re not familiar, a Vitamix is a SUPER HIGH POWERED blender. A magical blending powerhouse. The ultimate green smoothie machine.
I remember when I first got my Vitamix, in 2010 as a celebratory gift to myself for completing the Health Coach Training Program at IIN. It was an exhilarating time in my life – I had just been introduced to green smoothies, which have been causing every cell in my body to squeal with delight for years.
I still have the same Vitamix 4 years later – I literally use it every day. Some days, while I’m watching those greens spin around in there I want to cry with awe and gratitude. It’s that good.
It is seriously the most amazing blender on earth. You can make so many things in it – smoothies, soups, hummus, ice cream, sauces, dips, etc. The blades are so powerful, everything comes out of the blender perfectly smooth.
So I’m THRILLED to be giving away a brand new Vitamix to one of you guys!!
IT WILL BE YOUR NEW BEST FRIEND! Your milkshakes (green smoothies) will bring ALL the boys to the yard. All of them. Trust me.
1) Follow me on instagram: @jennysansouci
2) Sign up for my Healthy Highs email list
3) Post a photo to instagram of your FAVORITE SMOOTHIE INGREDIENT. It can be anything. You must tag me @jennysansouci in the CAPTION of the photo and use the hashtag #healthycrush
4) I’ll pick my favorite photo (creativity counts, people!!) and that will be the winner. (Extra points if you make me laugh).
Why am I making you do SO many things to win? It’s a $500 blender, yo!!! Work for it!!
NOTE: You must post a NEW photo. (i.e. don’t go back to a photo you’ve posted in the past and just add the hashtag). Come on peeps. :) Also, you MUST use the #healthycrush hashtag or I won’t see it.
Contest ends and winner will be announced on Feb 1, 2014. (originally I said Feb 14 but the entries are so good so far, I can’t wait that long!)
Along with this awesome giveaway, I will be posting a week’s worth of green smoothie recipes here on Healthy Crush. Most of my recipes will be inspired by my friend Katrine’s amazing book, BEST GREEN DRINKS EVER!

So enter the contest and then keep coming back for recipes. TIME TO GET YOUR GREENS ON!
Questions? Ask me in the comments below.
taylor smith says
Is the contest open to Canadians?
jenny sansouci says
Finding out. Will let you know shortly. :)
Raluca says
Either way, I’m very grateful for the smoothie recipes to come! It’s not too late to resolve to drink more of them this year, is it? :P
jenny sansouci says
Yes to Canada!
Raluca says
How lovely! :D Is this contest open to international users?
jenny sansouci says
Hi! US and Canada. :)
Heather says
Is this contest open to Canadians?
jenny sansouci says
Yes to Canada. :)
eiren says
Entered!!! That was actually fun!! lol!! :P
jenny sansouci says
Alisha Lewis says
Awesome!!! Entered.
Katie says
Hi Jenny- do we have to have our instagram set at public view to have our photos considered?
jenny sansouci says
Yes. I believe that’s the only way for me to see the photo.
Katie says
Thank you!
Kim says
Is it just one ingredient?
Does it HAVE to be a photo?
jenny sansouci says
Yes, one ingredient. And yes, it has to be a photo (an instagram video would be OK too) – but it has to be done on instagram.
Caisie says
So exciting! I’m bummed that I just saw this, I wont be able to get near smoothie ingredients until mid day tomorrow (Feb 1st). Is the contest closing at midnight Feb 1st of midnight Jan 31st? I hope I make the cut in time!
Thanks for doing this give away Jenny, whoever wins the Vitamix is one lucky person!
jenny sansouci says
I’ll cut it off at 5pm EST Feb 1st. :)