Dearest Greens Guzzlers,
Lately I’ve been getting a lot of questions from people about those bottled green juices you find in stores. It can be a jungle out there with so many confusing juice options.
What are the standards we should be looking for in a bottled green juice? How do we know we’re getting our money’s worth?
Is it a healthy choice to drink those bottled green juices we see everywhere — like Naked, Odwalla and Bolthouse? Are we even getting any nutrients? Is it better to scrap the bottled green juices altogether and just stick to water?
I found myself asking the same question we should all ask when it comes to dating…
LUCKILY for all of us, my revolutionary friend Food Babe stopped by to give me her 2 cents on the matter.
In the video below, Food Babe gives Dr. Frank Lipman and I her opinion on the HIGH VIBE way to drink green juice!

Food Babe’s Verdict:
High vibe ways to drink green juice:
1. Make your own at home with a juicer
2. Get it from a juice bar that makes fresh, raw, in store cold pressed organic juice
3. Bottom line – fresh juice has the highest vibe –but the next best thing to raw in-store cold pressed juice is HPP or High Pressure Processing, like Suja juice.
According to this Well+Good article, “For the companies using HPP, like BluePrint, Evolution Fresh, Harmless Harvest coconut water (and even indie brands like Love Grace Foods), the process allows them to sell juices on a larger scale in markets like Whole Foods and Fairways, while still touting nutrient quality.”
Read ALL THE DIRTY DETAILS from Food Babe about store bought juices.
Thank you, Food Babe! My juicer is now seducing me from the kitchen…time to make some fresh, homemade organic juice. :)
What do you think? Do you have any questions for me or Food Babe about green juices? Ask in the comments and I’ll do my best to help.
Raluca says
I’m in the UK right now and I was so happy to discover that this omnipresent food chain introduced kale chips and green juices! And then I read the juice is made in Portugal and “gently pasteurised”! I got an instant low vibe… My questions would be:
1. if pasteurised green juice is my only option, should I still have it? Does it kill ALL of the good stuff or just some?
2. if the juice is separated, is that an indication that something bad’s going on?
Thanks a lot and great post, as usual :)
Angela says
If only we had so many choices.. I live in a place where we have exactly 1 juice bar in town, and they are closed for renovations. I just came off a juice fast, and when I was at work and away from my juicer, bottled juices were my only option. I can get Odwalla at the grocery store and Naked at Starbucks. That’s it.. In that situation, having calories was more important than purity of the product. I would wager that most of the country, outside of big cities, are in the same situation as I am.
I’m not saying that it isn’t important to consider the “vibe level” of all the foods that you choose, but I think we have a huge challenge in just getting the base level of quality juices out to people. I’d rather see people drinking Naked that at least has something green in it than processed orange juice by itself..
Thanks for the article. Something to consider when opportunities abound.
Hadley Gustin says
Hey Jenny,
I’m in love with this post – great research! I”m also curious: What is your favorite juice brand on the market? Can’t wait for the next blog!
All the Best,
Zach says
Awesome post!
I’ve been investigating juicers for a while unsure about if I want to purchase, but this post and food babe’s take on the topic are saying that it may be the right time to jump in!
I have to share, I had never heard of Suja until about a week ago! A friend sent me a snap chat of it and told me I HAD to check it out, now that food babe is backing it, I will have to for sure!
Thanks for sharing,