Hey my sweet health-seekers!
True to form, I’ve found something new to become obsessed with and I’ve been consuming it every day (whenever I remember, at least). Whenever I get excited about a new health-related product or experience, I tend to jam pack my life with it, at least temporarily, so I can adequately and knowledgeably report back to you about it.
Someone’s gotta do it, and guess what – it’s gonna be me. (If you just got “It’s Gonna Be Me” in your head, I truly love you for that).
Alrighty then, let’s get to the point. My newest finding is COLLAGEN POWDER. I’ve been hearing about it a lot from fellow health coaches for months now at Dr. Lipman’s office, and I keep seeing it pop up everywhere. When that happens, when something enters my consciousness this many times in a row…I know it’s time for me to dive into it.
After some feverish research, I went ahead and ordered the collagen powder I believed to be the best – Great Lakes Collagen Powder in the green canister.
If you’re like me and love reading Amazon reviews, you’re about to have the biggest party of your life. There are 929 reviews on this product!!!!!! HOURS OF FUN!!!! Man, that makes me so excited. I would love to pretend I don’t lay in bed at night reading Amazon reviews, but the truth is, I do. I really do. NOT EVERY NIGHT GUYS!
So if now is the time to abandon this blog in favor of the Amazon reviews, I totally understand. Less pressure on me that way anyway. But if you’d like to chill here instead, I’ll give you some info.

What is collagen powder?
Collagen powder comes from the same collagen found in skin, bones and cartilage. Remember when I blogged about bone broth? One of the best benefits of bone broth is the collagen in the broth. With the powder, you don’t have to make bone broth (although you might wanna because it’s awesome and delicious and has tons of benefits) to get the benefits of collagen.
It’s pure protein that is quickly absorbed in the body/digestive tract. This particular one comes from beef bones.
What are the benefits of using collagen powder?
After age 25, our body’s ability to repair tissue and cartilage starts to diminish. This means joints, skin, hair, nails, etc.
- Lubricate joints
- Build connective tissue
- Heal injuries
- Promote healthier, stronger, younger-looking skin, hair and nails
- Regulate the body’s metabolism
- Reduce inflammation
- Support hormone balance
- Improve digestion
Read more in the Amazon reviews for the benefits people are experiencing.
How do you use collagen powder?
The green canister of Great Lakes Collagen pictured above will dissolve in any liquid, hot or cold. It has barely any taste at all so I put it in tea, water or smoothies. You can use it in a smoothie instead of protein powder. The collagen powder in the green canister does not gel up when added to liquid.
2 tbsp a day, dissolved in liquid, is the recommended amount on the canister.
Great Lakes sells another kind (the red canister) of gelatin that DOES gel up in liquids — it can be used to make jello or even gummies (I NEED TO MAKE THESE). :) The green canister powder will NOT work to make jello or gummies.
Ready to experiment?

Cool! Let me know if you have any experience with collagen powder, or if you have any questions- I’ll do my best to answer!
Onward health vikings!! Heal those joints! Get that glorious skin, hair and nails!!
Joy says
I love putting this in my herbal tea. One can only drink so much bone broth!
jenny sansouci says
i love your articles.i just started taking collagen.looking forward to reading more from you says
Love your articles
Isabelle says
Hiya! I just linked here from your blueberry cobbler recipe. Just curious — why collagen powder instead of gelatin? I’m not sure what the difference is between all of the Great Lakes products so some clarification would be super appreciated!
Isabelle says
Whoops! I’m not a careful reader — Just found the info in your article :)
jenny sansouci says
No worries! Glad you figured it out!! <3 Enjoy.
Jason says
To be honest I’m sick of researching a health product and finding that 99.9% of the websites which come up are actually selling the thing or linking to commercial sites and probably getting paid for the referral. Gone are the days when the web was just jammed packed with factual pages which weren’t selling you anything. I can’t find ONE SINGLE web page which isn’t promoting some brand or other.
jenny sansouci says
Hey Jason, totally understand where you’re coming from. My blog is my full time business and I get paid mostly in affiliate commissions, I am very transparent about that. That being said, I would never promote something I don’t actually use or haven’t actually tried and researched and believe is worth recommending. I am extremely particular about that. Whether or not you choose to believe that is up to you, I can’t just expect every single reader to trust my word. But I think bloggers deserve to get paid for their research and writing. :) Some people don’t agree. That’s ok.
Pam says
I am using the same collagen you are using. I’m only taking it once in the morning. Do I need to take it twice a day to see the benefits of using it? Thanks!
Mark says
Jenny, Here’s another Powdered collagen ( Amino Complete Rx ) that has 16 grams per serving at 32 serving per container and it comes in unflavored , fruit punch, peach and orange. Green Apple , chocolate and vanilla are coming out soon. For the people who haven’t taken the powdered collagen you should take one scoop in the morning and one scoop before bedtime for the first week so your body is being enriched at the begging of the day when your moving your body and causing much stress to it and at the end of the day when your body is going to be in it’s most relaxed state ( Sleeping ) and the collagen can mend and rejuvenate your hair, skin, nails,and all your connective tissues that you have caused stress on which makes them weaker and prone to tear. I tell people to blend the powder while mixing it with whatever they choose to mix it with because it helps avoid clumping. Which the clumping tends to stick to the sides of the glass or container that you mix it in and that usually never gets consumed . Therefore your wasting some of it and not getting your money’s worth per serving. The shelf life is a long long time with powders opposed to liquids which have a shelf life of 1 to 1 1/2 years. Thanks for posting about Powder collagen your blog will help a lot of people who haven’t tried it yet and help them with some issues they might have. Keep up the good work.
Collagenic says
Actually, the canister of Great Lakes Collagen Powder I got today gives a recommended amount of two rounded tablespoons *twice* a day, instead of just once as this blog states.
Tammy says
How much of this do you use daily? Can you use too much or too little? I have a smoothie every morning, can I add this to my smoothie? (I also add a scoop of protein powder, should I use one or the other or can I still use both in my smoothie?….scoop of protein pwdr and a tbsp., or however, much together?)