Hello dear friend,
Please click here to get my free guide to Managing Chemo Side Effects (Tips For Patients & Caregivers).
Everything we’ve been doing, including protocols for cannabis and mushrooms, the smoothie recipe and more is in this guide.
Related blog posts:
6 Month Update: Pancreatic Cancer
Click here to get the chemotherapy tips: Managing Chemo Side Effects
Below are many of the cancer resources I list in the guide.
Let me start here – I’m not a doctor, so please take this information as simply my personal experience with helping my Dad through his experience with chemotherapy.
I’ve spent the last 11 months immersed in research, and emails have been flooding my inbox asking for tips on managing chemo side effects. Most of the people who send these emails are caregivers themselves, feeling desperate to help someone they love through cancer treatment.
My hope is that something I share here may help even one person to have a more tolerable chemo experience. Healthy Crush Medical Disclaimer
Please note: All of this is being done in addition to the treatments and medications from the cancer hospital – not instead of. Please run everything by your oncologist before starting any new protocols. Nothing here is claiming to cure or treat cancer or any other disease — it is simply information that has helped in our personal situation, to help manage some of the unwanted side effects of chemotherapy. (And of course, I compiled all of this with my Dad’s approval!)
Cancer + Chemotherapy Resources:

Freezer Safe Jars (for smoothies or soups)

Smoothie Ingredients (here are the brands I like).
The smoothie recipe is in the Free Managing Chemo Side Effects Tips Guide. Click here to get the tips
- Whey Protein
- Pea Protein (vegan)
- Coconut oil
- Almond butter or peanut butter
- Mushrooms from Four Sigmatic
- Turkey Tail mushroom
- Other: spinach, bananas, avocado, blueberries

AHCC Mushroom Capsules

CureWear (for easy port access)

I’ll add more as I think of them. If you have any great ideas for helpful products during chemotherapy, please feel free to email me at jenny@healthycrush.com
I wish you well on your journey.