Hey guys,
I don’t have to post a blog today because my 100 Day Blogging Challenge ended yesterday, but I am feeling kinda squirmish not posting something….so, hi.
In case anyone is curious, I wanted to share the link to all 100 blog posts that I wrote during the challenge, along with every other blog post I’ve ever written. Of course, this isn’t EVERY blog post I’ve ever written, because I’ve had other blogs besides Healthy Crush…some of them are still floating around on the interwebs, so if you’ve got a burning desire to read my detailed analyzation of Fall Out Boy albums, have at it.
But otherwise, here you go: all the blog posts.

I hope this satisfies your reading sweet tooth.
I also wanted to let you know that I have an option where you can get each blog post I write in your inbox, as soon as it’s posted, if you don’t like waiting until Friday to get my Friday newsletter.
If you sign up here, you’ll automatically get my latest post by email, the day I write it. I have to change the notification settings on this one, because right now I get an email every time someone unsubscribes, and it’s basically like shooting a needle through my tender little heart every time I get that notification. Owwww you poked my heart! Jk, I’m strong and unattached.
Lastly, I want you guys to know that I really appreciate all the personal emails I’ve been getting during this challenge. I haven’t had the bandwidth to write back to everyone but I do have the intention to – and I want you to know that every single personal email warms my heart so, so much – some of them even make me cry. So thank you. Thank you for sharing your stories with me, your thoughts, your encouragement. Writing things on the internet for public consumption is not always the easiest of tasks, but you make it all worth it.
That ultra kind of love, you never walk away from.
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