What is an heirloom tomato?
An heirloom tomato often comes from favorite family tomato seeds that have been passed down through generations, or a unique tomato variety that grows as a result of the natural cross-pollination of seeds. Heirloom tomatoes come in a variety of colors and shapes, and each one has a unique flavor.

I like heirloom tomatoes because they have a deep, fresh flavor that commercial tomatoes completely lack. Bite into a fresh farmer’s market heirloom tomato, and you could be eating a tomato from seeds that have been passed down since the 1940’s! That’s so awesome, especially compared to the bland genetically modified tomatoes you find at the supermarket.
A great way to enjoy the variety of heirloom tomatoes available is to make salsa! Yum! This salsa is fresh, bright, and has a little kick.
- 3 heirloom tomatoes (any variety you like)
- 1 small white onion
- 1 small red onion
- 1 lime
- 1/2 cup chopped cilantro
- 1 chopped jalapeno, seeds removed
- 1 clove garlic
- 1 tsp sea salt
- 1 tsp black pepper
- 1 tsp cayenne (optional)
Chop tomatoes up and add them to a bowl.

Chop onion, cilantro, garlic and jalapeno and add the to the bowl. Squeeze lime juice on top. Add salt, pepper and cayenne.

Mix well and serve with your favorite natural tortilla chip! When I buy tortilla chips, I look for chips that don’t have weird or sneaky ingredients – especially sugar or corn syrup! Chips don’t need any sweetener, and you’d be surprised how many brands of tortilla chips add unnecessary junk.
Garden of Eatin’ and Food Should Taste Good both have some great natural chip choices (one of my favorites is the Food Should Taste Good Lime chip).
Party on, friends! :)

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