I’d like to propose an idea.
What if the things that you consider “flaws” or “character defects” or “issues” or things you’re “not good at…” things that you’ve always struggled with…are actually the things that will make you great?
Believing this will take a perspective shift, as we’re conditioned to feel not-good-enough.

I was re-reading one of my old blogs recently, titled:
4 Ways Your Addictive Personality Can Make Your Life Better
In that post, I challenged the perspective that being an “addict” or, if the term addict holds too much stigma for you, relating to having an “extreme” or “addictive personality” …is a character flaw, or something to be ashamed of, something we should try to hide.
In fact, I believe it can be a superpower.
That’s right.
Anything we’re putting energy towards in our lives that’s considered destructive or negative CAN be channeled into something beneficial. It takes work, and it takes some heavy lifting, it takes some switching lanes, but the point is, it’s all energy.
As Dan Millman says in The Life You Were Born To Live,
“Creative ideas, projects and energy flow like an underground stream waiting to be discovered. The energy, like a surging river, demands movement and expression. One way or another, this energy always finds expression.
When creative energy is blocked, it creates inner turbulence. Recurring or chronic physical, psychological or energetic problems often indicate blocked creative energy.”
One way or another, this energy always finds expression.
We do have the power to choose how this energy is expressed, even if it takes extra help and work to move the energy in a new direction.
Julia Cameron, in The Artist’s Way, says:
“If you see someone addicted, what you’re seeing is a profoundly creative soul reaching for a substitute to self-expression.”
This brings me to an idea.
What if…
What if…
What if your greatest struggles ARE actually your superpowers?
What if?
What if your struggles with food or health are the exact thing that will propel you to find every solution for healing, become the healthiest version of yourself, and help hundreds, or thousands of others find their own healing?
What if your relationship challenges that happen over and over and over are simply a guidepost for you to take “advanced action” and dive deep into the exploration of intimacy – and come out full of wisdom, with an expanded heart? What if it’s the exact playing field you need to achieve a level of love mastery beyond your wildest dreams?
What if?
What if your feelings of defeat or frustration with living by the status quo are the exact, PERFECT feelings needed to give you an idea to take on an impossible challenge that ignites your whole life and makes you feel more purposeful than you’d ever imagined you could be?
What if your greatest physical or mental struggles – the ones that most people would consider disabilities – are the exact thing you needed to push yourself to be not only great…but incredible, and achieve more than almost anyone in the world who has it “better than you” on paper?
What if we stopped thinking of our challenges as excuses not to be great…and started thinking of them as GIFTS, and when we LOOK AT THEM AS GIFTS, AND DECIDE TO OPEN THOSE GIFTS, we can become greater than we could ever EVER dream?

What if instead of being ashamed of our “flaws” we started being thankful for them, because they GIVE us character, they give us COLOR, they give us that SPARK, that GLOW that says, even if I fail, I am trying f*cking hard to overcome this, and that is a sign of STRENGTH, NOT OF WEAKNESS!!!
WHAT IF!?!?!
mic drop.
“Perspective pries your once weighty eyes, and it gives you wings.” – Incubus
Beth says
You are a brilliant writer !