Hello my little snowbirds.
The other day, I was on Day 2 of my friend Jeremy Goldberg’s 10 day course, “Get Shit Done 101.” (I’m notoriously not-so-great at finishing long online courses, but this one is only 10 days — and I really needed help focusing — so I figured I’d give it a shot).
Without giving away too much about the contents of the course, one of the things Jeremy guided me to do within the first 2 days of the course was write down something I could complete that would make a big impact in my life. Something I’d be proud of completing.
One thing came to my mind immediately. I had been wanting to write a guide to managing chemo side effects for caregivers. (Spoiler alert, I wrote it)! I knew there were a lot of people that could use the resources I had to share, and I had all of the tips already listed out in my head. But I hadn’t even started getting them out onto paper.
What was holding me back from starting that project?
The project was important and meaningful to me.
It could possibly help people to feel better.
I had the time to do it.
So what was it? What was stopping me?
My first thought, without any hesitation: SCREEN TIME.
My phone distracts me and keeps me incredibly unfocused. Way too often. Especially when instagram starts to get involved. There is TRULY no limit to the amount of profiles to click through to, hashtags to get lost in, messages to respond to, and endless, endless stories to watch.
There really is no limit.

I wondered how much screen time I was actually using.
How could I find out?
Sure enough, a quick Google search (on my screen, of course) led me to the steps I needed to take to uncover the exact amount of time I spent using my iPhone in a 24-hour period, and in a 7-day period. Including the exact amount of time spent on each app.
Honestly, I was shocked at the findings. I don’t know why I was so shocked, I knew I had been using my phone a lot, but seeing it right there in writing seemed so much more…final.
11.2 hours spent on instagram in the last 7 days.
11.2 hours on INSTAGRAM?!?
I was incredibly bothered by that number.
And this was a week where I didn’t even POST any photos to instagram. That means I spent 11.2 hours scrolling, clicking, watching stories, and generally looking at what other people were doing…instead of creating things. Think of all the things I could have done with those 11.2 hours of time. (Not to mention, over 36 hours of total screen time if you add up all the apps). And this, my friends, doesn’t even count laptop time.
That was it. That was the straw that broke the CAMEL’S BACK! (Ow, sorry camel). I decided I would put my phone away and I would create the resource guide I’ve been wanting to create.
So I did. I spent 12 hours working on it. With no phone. (Ok, I checked my phone every few hours just to make sure I didn’t have any emergency calls or texts).
And I finished it. A whole project in one day!! A project that’s hopefully helpful. I’ve gotten positive feedback on it already. (If you want to check it out, here you go).
It felt so so good to trade my scrolling time for CREATING TIME.
It was incredibly refreshing. And it got me thinking…with less phone time, and more focus time…what else could I create!?
What else could WE create?
Here’s exactly how to check how much screen time you’re REALLY using. (on an iPhone).
- Open up Settings.
- Click on Battery.
- Click on Last 7 Days.
- Click the little clock icon.
- There you go! Your list of most used apps with EXACTLY how much time you spent using them in the past week. You’re welcome.

My iPhone usage for 7 days:
I know, my list of apps used in the last week probably seems a little basic. On other weeks, you might see more Overcast (the app I use to listen to podcasts), FaceTime, Notes, and Strava (a running app). I don’t typically use anything too fancy.
By the way, I obviously think phones are very helpful for a lot of things, so I’m not saying phones are evil or not worth our time. We just spend WAYYYYY too much time on them. And not nearly enough time looking at nature…
Did you check yours!? WHAT DID IT SAY!? Did anything surprise you!?
COMMENT BELOW! Tell me what you learned by checking your screen time stats. Were you as blown away as I was by how much screen time you use?
Your options of what you can create when you spend less time scrolling are limitless. The limit does not exist. ;)
What can you cut back on, and what will you do with all that time!?
If you wanna follow my lead and start focusing and creating, check out Jeremy’s course: Get Shit Done 101.
Sarah says
Holy moly! I spent 13 hours!!! And here I am saying I don’t have time to work on my business, also saying I need about 10 solid hours a week to do so, and then I see I spent 13 hours on IG!!!
Point made ! My goal is to cut IG time in half this week!!
Mindy says
Jenny, this was soooo helpful! This whole screen time thing has been itching at me a lot lately, so anything I can do to get real with myself to cut back is just what the doctor ordered. These gadgets sure are handy, but they are incredibly addictive. My IG this week was only 2.9 hours, but mind you I’m new to IG and have been on a mission the last couple months to unplug as much as possible. A few months ago that number would have been waaaay higher.
Doing digital detoxes has made the biggest difference to me because you can actually feel in your body, mind, & soul what life was life in the pre-gadget era (and it’s pretty freaking lovely!!!). It’ s just so easy to get pulled back into that vortex once you plug back in.
Thank you for posting this!! I am totally going to use this to motivate me to cut back even more!
Amanda says
Oh my goodness! I spent 9.1 hrs on instagram in the last 7 days! That’s crazy! Something I’m definitely going to work on!
Andrea says
Thanks for posting this, Jenny!
For those of you on Android: After I read this, I searched and found an app called Quality Time that tracks time. It allows you to build in breaks, during which time the phone is locked and apps won’t work. Seems great for productivity.