Good evening my little butterballs.
A year ago, Joel and I were exploring in the Seychelles (was that trip even real?) and we found this AWESOME local spot called Maria’s Rock Cafe. It was in the Baie Lazare area of Mahe Island. Just thinking about that place is making my mouth water. :) At Maria’s, we were given a hot stone, raw fish, raw veggies, and the highlight of the evening…a bowl of garlic butter.
Ok, so I stole this photo from Trip Advisor. But THERE IT IS RIGHT THERE!!! IN THAT LITTLE BOWL!!!!!

The protocol was to put the garlic butter onto the hot stone and cook your fish and veggies in it. It was so good, we went back 3 times (and I think we were only on Mahe for 4 nights total, soooo….yeah, it was that good). Anyway, we still haven’t stopped talking about that garlic butter, but if you’ve ever been to the Seychelles you KNOW how far away that place is (from the US). Honestly, I WOULD take a 20 hour trip for garlic butter, so don’t think I wouldn’t. But I’m not going to today, so homemade garlic butter will have to do!
It’s actually really easy.
All you need is…
- 8oz unsalted grass-fed butter (I used Kerrygold)
- 1 head of garlic cloves
- Sea salt to taste
NOTE: I like things very garlicky! If you don’t, you could start with 1/2 a head of garlic for 8oz of butter.
STEP 1: Roast head of garlic. This takes about 40 mins. Detailed directions on roasting garlic are here.
STEP 2: Make sure butter is warm, even a little melty. You don’t want it to be totally liquid, but you want it to be melty enough to be able to mix it with a fork or whisk pretty easily.
STEP 3: After roasting, take the garlic gloves out of their little outfit (that outer shell). Eek! Naked garlic cloves!

STEP 4: Mash the garlic cloves up with a fork in a bowl until they form a paste. They should be very easy to mush up.
STEP 5: Add butter to the garlic paste and mix VERY WELL with a fork or whisk. I used a whisk. You could also use a blender or food processor if you want it to be extra smooth, but I found it was fine with a whisk. Add sea salt to taste. If you want to use salted butter, go for it, but I prefer to salt my own.

STEP 6: Put butter in fridge so it hardens up a bit. (You could do that impressive thing where you roll the butter into a log formation with parchment paper or whatever, but I haven’t mastered that skill just yet)

For the meal below — I got a piece of wild cod and I cooked it in a skillet with the garlic butter (just like we did at Maria’s, without the hot stone!), and I added turmeric and red pepper flakes.
The broccoli is simply steamed and then I put a the garlic butter on top of it.
All items squirted with a delicious lime.

Well, I feel accomplished.
Now you know, you can have the island life in your own kitchen.
PS I’ve been listening to this song and this song all day… GARLIC BUTTER, how’d you get so fly?
That’s it.
Michelle says
Looks amazing! Can’t wait to try! Any tips on how to melt the butter properly?
jenny sansouci says
I just left it out on the counter while I was roasting the garlic (about 45 mins) and it was pretty soft. :) If it’s not soft enough after that you can put it in a pot or pan on the stove for just a couple of seconds to warm it up a bit.
Michelle says
Cool! Thanks =)
Vivian Trinh says
You should write daily! Even though some the articles don’t seem well-researched or aren’t as lengthy as your other blogs, they’re so enjoyable to read!!! They’ve been really making my night a lot better before I head to bed :^) Thought maybe you should know this in case you lose inspiration someday and return to writing biweekly or something.
jenny sansouci says
Haha! Thanks Vivian. :) I appreciate you reading, and your support!
Maria says
So glad you are writing again on your blog. One of my favorite blogs I visit often :)). You’re super cool.
jenny sansouci says
THANK YOU!!! Really appreciate you being here.