This is my recap for Day 10 of my 10 Day Juice Cleanse! I’m using a Breville Elite juicer and juicing different things every day.
If you’re just joining me now….
- Juice Cleanse Intro
- Day 1 – Green Juice
- Day 2 – Carrot Juice
- Day 3 – Cilantro Juice
- Day 4 – Almond Milk
- Day 5 – Spicy Green Juice
- Day 6 – Mojito Juice
- Day 7 – Grapefruit Green Juice
- Day 8 – Beet Juice
- Day 9 – Pear Orange Juice
Get my juice recipes in one easy, printable PDF!
Well….I did it! 10 full days on straight up LIQUID. I feel….well, it’s not like there are fireworks going off or unicorns dancing around my apartment, but I feel great that I actually got through it all! It’s kind of bittersweet that the 10 days are over – it’s been my main focus, and although it’s taken up a lot of my time, it’s been fun to have a big project. I guess this just means I need to come up with a new, even more exciting project. :)
It’s the morning of January 11th now, and I haven’t eaten any solid food since New Year’s Eve. Crazytown! I’m not rushing to break the fast, though. Yesterday was Day 10, and I woke up this morning (the day I’m perhaps breaking the fast) and made myself a lemon water and detox tea – just as I’ve been doing for the past 10 days. My body likes the liquid nourishment. And you know what? I’ll probably make juice today, too. :)
So let me give you a recap of Day 10.
On Day 10, I woke up early and had a big glass of pear-orange-basil-greens juice that I had made the night before. I was meeting a friend at yoga at 10am so I wanted to have some nourishment in my body before the class. We ended up going to a 60 minute “Power Vinyasa” class and it was hard! The teacher kept us in poses for longer than I’m usually used to, so it felt like a great workout. My energy level was fine to get through the class.
After the yoga class, we grabbed a fresh juice at a local cafe. They didn’t have any green juice, but I got one made with apple, pear, orange and celery. It was pretty delicious. On my way home, I picked up ingredients for my last new juice of the juice cleanse! I figured I’d go crazy with it and use pineapple. I also bought more almonds to make another batch of almond milk – because though this cleanse is over, I LOVE that almond milk and can’t get enough of it. I’m wondering if you can OD on almond milk. Probably.
For the rest of the day I worked on various projects and had some business calls. I was in really great spirits for the day and it felt really productive, enthusiastic and hopeful.
I drank my pineapple green juice out of a champagne flute to celebrate the last day of my cleanse.

I had another burst of inspiration and motivation in the evening and ended up working until well after midnight! This cleanse has given me some hyper-clarity and motivation, and I’ve had a few fun late-nights of working. I know, what a nerd. But really, who doesn’t love creative inspiration? Something about being clean physically brings on intuition, ideas and razor-sharp clarity. Clean body, clear mind. Clearing out the old creates space for new possibilities. See why I’m saying it’s bittersweet for it to be over? I guess I don’t have to break the fast. :) We’ll see how the day goes.
Anyway….final stats!
Day 10 stats:
Energy level: Great all day and into the late evening hours
Exercise: 60-min power vinyasa yoga class
Sleep: Slept less hours than normal, vivid dreams again
Weight difference since Day 1: 7 lbs
$ spent today on juice ingredients: $18.06 (not including the almonds for more almond milk)
Feeling: Pretty good all day. Being productive makes me happy, so I felt really happy in the evening when I got a couple of things done (and bought Danielle LaPorte’s new book). I feel another awesome year of learning and growth coming on, and I’m excited.
Pineapple Green Juice Recipe:
makes 16-20 oz juice depending on juicer and produce size
- 1 1/2 cups fresh pineapple
- 4 stalks celery
- 1/2 head kale
- 1 small piece of ginger
Yum! A tropical bliss drink.
Get my juice recipes in one easy, printable PDF!
As I mentioned, I’m still not sure when or how exactly I’m going to break my cleanse. I will tell you that breaking my cleanse will involve fruits and vegetables only – most likely a combination of vegetable soups, smoothies and juices along with introducing some solid fruits and veggies in. That’s how I recommend you break your cleanse, too. Easily, gently.
I’m actually really excited to make juice now just for the love of it, and relaxing with it, and experimenting more. This documentation project has been challenging, fun and very rewarding, but I’m looking forward to drinking some juice “off the grid!” I plan to keep juices as a part of my daily routine as much as possible. The nutrient blast you get from a fresh juice is unparallelled.
Thank you to everyone who has been checking in along the way! Reading your comments every day has been truly the highlight of this whole experience. You all rock! And I’m wishing tons of love, persistence and success to everyone embarking on their own cleanse. It’s truly an eye-opening experience in many ways.
For now I’ll leave you with this quote that my yoga teacher read out loud to us yesterday. When she read it, I was like…you are so SPOT ON, lady.
“If we are not empty, we become a block of matter.
We cannot breathe, we cannot think.
To be empty means to be alive, to breathe in and to breathe out.
We cannot be alive if we are not empty.
Emptiness is impermanence, it is change.
We should not complain about impermanence,
Because without impermanence…nothing is possible.”
-Thich Nhat Hanh
Ok. Gonna go make some green juice now. :)
Kim Augsburger says
CONGRATS, girl!!! :) Thank you so much for sharing your experience, as well as all of these amazing recipes!!!
jenny sansouci says
Thanks for following along!! It’s been great having support. xo
Erena DiGonis says
THANK YOU so much for documenting it! I am going to make a green juice in a little while, just really dislike cleaning the juicer. Don’t know how you did it for 10 days!
jenny sansouci says
My juicer is staring at me right now, uncleaned. Oh boy.
Lorin W says
Congrats! I can’t believe how quickly 10 days came and went. Thanks for sharing all the info and recipes! You rock!
jenny sansouci says
Thank you! It’s been fun!
ansley says
You are so cool and funny and inspirational! I love reading ALL your posts! Congratulations!
jenny sansouci says
how much do I owe you for that sparkling compliment? :) THANK YOU!
Ali says
Hi Jenny,
Congratulations on finishing the cleanse! I wish I had been more gentle coming out of my cleanse. My boyfriend and I ended up going on a weekend trip to the wineries in Virginia and ate healthy but very filling foods. I feel like my body is a bit out of whack from it all but I have learned so much reading about your experiences. Next time I will be better prepared to go through a cleanse. It has been really fun reading your posts and I am so excited for your amazing accomplishment.
jenny sansouci says
Thanks, Ali! With how you’re eating, think of it all as research… It’s all a learning experience to find out what really makes us feel great. I loved hearing from you throughout this cleanse!
jasperpants says
Hi Jenny,
Thank you for your honest updates over the last 10 days. You’ve helped me get started, I’m on day 2 right now.
Can I ask where you got your recipes and do you have any suggestions where I can find more?
jenny sansouci says
Hey! I made them up mostly, but there are some great ones on the Reboot website:
Maya M says
Hey Jenny!
I was doing research on juice cleanses and after stumbling upon your blog I’ve become inspired to go on a juice cleanse myself. I think this will be an interesting challenge!! Thanks for giving me the initiative to start!!
jenny sansouci says
Awesome, Maya…Good luck and feel free to check in here to let me know how it’s going!
svitlana says
Hi! I just came across your blog (was looking for a more affordable was to fulfill BluePrint-like Cleanse).
First of all I want to congratulate you with this challenge done! Your example is very inspiring!
Thank you for sharing your juices recipes! I have one small question – does that matter WHICH juice to drink and WHEN (again as BluePrint-like cleanse when you get a set of bottles to drink throughout the day) or this is just up to me and my taste? I can see that you didn’t keep any system in juice choice…
It’s my first time when I want to go into it and I’m not experienced in cleansing.
jenny sansouci says
Hi Svitlana! I don’t have a specific order that I drink the juices in, but if it’s your first time you may want to check out one of the pre-made cleanses, or just look at the order that the BluePrint Cleanse uses and copy that. Good luck!
Rachael says
Thank you for the encouragement I am on my day 3 going into day 4 nothing but juice I’m excited to try some of your receipes makes me believe I can do it… Then on to a raw diet for a week then foods.