So, the other night I got to spend a really wonderful and celebratory evening with my sister and our honorary brother at In Vino. Listen up kids – In Vino is an amazing date spot, mark my words, you will score big points if you take someone there.
Anyway, I was talking to my sister and asked her opinion on whether or not I should do a certain something that would entail taking a chance. She responded with something along the lines of, “I try to live my life with the least amount of what-ifs as possible. So if doing this thing will take away one of those what-ifs, then you should do it. Figure it out and then you can move forward instead of wondering what would happen. Less clutter in your mind.” (How Feng Shui of her!!)
Anyway, I thought this was brilliant. Get rid of your what-ifs, and you will feel lighter and happier and probably more fulfilled and certain of what you really want in life.
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