Oh boy, here we go. Another cleanse review.
I’m going to do my very best to write a balanced review of this cleanse, including the pros and cons (totally based on my opinions). I’m no doctor and I’m not here to tell you whether it’s a good cleanse or bad cleanse for you, nor am I arguing for or against the nutritional value of it…I’m just giving my experience and personal thoughts. (Just thought I’d throw in that little disclaimer for ya).
So I should start this off by saying that when I first heard about Kaeng Raeng I immediately didn’t think I’d be into it. I heard it was a powder cleanse, and I just wasn’t interested at the time. I have done a lot of fresh juice, smoothie and raw food cleanses, so I just really had no attraction to a powder cleanse (meaning: packets of freeze-dried fruit powder that you mix with water). So when Kaeng Raeng first reached out to me to ask me to review it, I decided against it, because I already had my opinion in my head. But then I heard more and more people mention this cleanse to me and ask me about it. Then Kaeng Raeng sent me a free cleanse to try. Hmm. I felt like I should be able to give people better answers. Was I just judging a book by it’s cover without actually experiencing it?
I started to feel like I needed to try it in the name of good investigatory journalism. Derek Zoolander’s words swirled through my head.
“so long as you can make a name for yourself as an investigatory journalist…no matter how many friends you lose or people you leave dead and bloodied along the way…just as long as you can make a name for yourself as an investigatory journalist, no matter how many friends you lose or people you leave dead and bloodied and dying along the way?”
Still with me? Ok cool. At the end of the day I decided to just bite the bullet and try it. I mean, I’ll do whatever it takes.
What is the Kaeng Raeng cleanse, anyway? According to their site, Kaeng Raeng is an all natural detox meal replacement designed to help you lose weight, remove toxins, bolster your immune system, and improve digestive health.
When my 3-day cleanse arrived in the mail, I inspected it carefully. My first thoughts:
- Why is this cleanse jam packed with soy? (I’m not one of those people who thinks soy is the devil, but I wouldn’t consider it to be necessarily cleansing for most. Here are some thoughts on soy from Dr. Frank Lipman, and some more thoughts on soy from Dr. Annemarie Colbin).
- Where are the greens? (I almost had a heart attack thinking about not getting any greens into my system for 3 days. How would I survive?)
I emailed the owner of Kaeng Raeng to ask her what the deal was with the choice of using soy. Here was her answer.
“We use non-gmo soy. The only ingredient is soybeans so there’s no preservatives, no isolate, no chemicals. When we were conducting the beta test we knew we wanted to stay vegan so whey was not an option. We tried hemp, pea, and brown rice proteins, as well as soy. The overwhelming favorite amongst the consumers was soy. Hemp was largely confused with marijuana, and I didn’t want to spend the entirety of my business educating the public about the differences within the cannabis family. Pea protein and brown rice had overwhelming tastes that the customers didn’t like and we didn’t want to start adding Stevia and other sweeteners to make up for it. Taste just matters. If you hate the way your cleanse tastes you won’t finish. Period. But most of all the soy was the least expensive. We’re dedicated to providing a healthy and safe product to customers in a convenient and affordable way. I just wasn’t willing to increase the price substantially to accommodate a very small percentage of the population who have a soy allergy. Plus, soy has been used as a vital source of protein in asian countries for hundreds of years in its true, natural state.”
Ok. So whether or not you consider that justification for using soy in a cleanse is up to you. I’m here to give you the info and let you guys formulate your own opinion.
NOTE: They have now come out with a soy free version, YAY! Check it out here!!
Anyway, I’ll get to the actual cleanse already. It came with 3 packets per day, which I was instructed to mix with water, or blend with ice/milk to make a smoothie. It came with a plastic water bottle to put the powder and water in and shake it up. The thought of dumping one of those powder packets into water and drinking it actually made me nauseous, so I opted to make smoothies.
The first one I tried was the blueberry flavor. I blended it with water and ice and made a smoothie. I liked the taste of it. Great! Onward.

I got pretty hungry about an hour later…and I’m not gonna lie, my undying love for greens could not be tamed. So I rebelled and made a green smoothie w/ kale, almond milk and a banana (I should mention that you’re allowed to eat any raw fruits and vegetables on this cleanse if you want to, so I wasn’t really “cheating” with a green smoothie).
The other 2 flavors, raspberry and mango, to be honest, were barely drinkable to me. I got bored halfway through. I’m accustomed to making smoothies that taste insanely good, so I wasn’t impressed by these. I had to add some almond milk, a banana and at one point I think I even added raw honey and almond butter to entice myself to drink them.
The next 2 days were more of the same. Drank all 3 packets each day, and supplemented with 2 green smoothies each day. I was way more excited about my green smoothies than I was about the packets. I lost about 2 pounds at the end of the cleanse.
- I had pretty level energy throughout the whole cleanse
- The cleanse contains probiotics and fiber, which is helpful for digestion and elimination when you’re on a cleanse
- The blueberry flavor was kinda good tasting
- I can see how the packets + water bottle would be really convenient for people on the go who don’t have time to make smoothies at home
- If your diet is leaning heavily towards the Standard American Diet, this would be cleansing for you
- Vegan, gluten-free, caffeine free
- Cheaper than some other popular cleanses ($69.99 for 3 days)
- Powder packets vs. juices/smoothies made with fresh fruits & veggies (although you could always add your own fresh stuff to the smoothies)
- Soy protein (I think it’s unnecessary and personally don’t consider soy to be detoxing for most people, but again it depends on your current diet, body, allergies, etc). *Soy free version now available!!
- No greens involved at all, which makes me sad – I felt the need to supplement with greens
- I didn’t like the taste of the mango and berry flavors
Overall, I wouldn’t do this cleanse again, but I am glad I tried it so I could give you guys an opinion based on genuine experience. In the name of investigatory journalism, Matil would be proud. Does anyone else have an urge to watch Zoolander now? Here’s a funny clip to tide you over.
Anyway, if you’ve tried the Kaeng Raeng cleanse I’d love to hear your thoughts! :)
Amanda says
I give you props for trying something outside of your “cleanse comfort zone.” :)
Linda says
I did this cleanse with a friend about a year ago (her idea). She completed the 3 day and lost several pounds that she gained back within a few weeks and was moody and had headaches. I quit on the second because I was starving and had a headache after the first day. I might try it again with a combination of green smoothies and light dinner option. I strongly agree that this is not very balanced and the lack of greens and good fats was no bueno.
Andrea says
I have done the Kaeng Raeng Cleanse and must say that it seems like you didn’t read everything about it. In between your daily packets, you can eat all the fresh fruits and veggies you want. I loved that about this cleanse, because I needed something to chew as opposed to drinking something all day for 3 days. You also were not going against the cleanse by making your green smoothies, KR encourages blending the packets with fruits and veggies.
Patricia says
I’m finishing up day 3. My daughter and I did it together and we will be happy when it’s over. Not enough protein to fat to CHO ratio. Overall tired of the 3 day bloat. If anything best to move forward with the “everything in moderation” mantra so we don’t have to resort to such extremes
Shelley says
The whole reason I started reading reviews on this product was to see if anyone else thought it tasted as terrible as I did. No greens, tastes bad, wasted 100 bucks. :(
Andrea H says
Just started this cleanse – got the 6 day beginner pack. My diet before this mostly consisted of breads, cheeses and meat.. very little fruits/veggies daily. I was worried the shakes wouldn’t be as delicious as the regular food I eat.. but honestly, they’re really not bad! Pretty bland due to the lack of sugar, but this is a detox right?! Also, definitely not feeling starving or anything like that… it just feels weird not to be drinking my food rather than chewing it. Only thing is I do have a headache and mild bloating… again, this is a detox! So far, so good!!
rebecca says
Bad taste especially the strawberry. The mango I mixed with OJ & the blueberry seemed ok mixed with juice. I couldn’t drink 3 drinks in a day along with 8 glasses of water. I got a horrible headache which it said was normal detox. Then I woke up middle of the night and threw up all 30 oz of the disgusting strawberry that I mixed with water. I’m just going to try to eat healthy and exercise. There are so many good reviews on amazon that I was mislead. It’s been a year since I had my son & I both wanted to start eating healthier along with lose 5-10lbs. Even Lauren Conrad endorsed it. I think it is more work than first assumed because you really need to mix it with fruit or juice.