Hey, whoever’s reading this! First of all, thanks for reading! Second of all, I really don’t feel like blogging tonight, to be perfectly honest. Some days my blogging challenge is easier than others. I was just looking at my site, and I can’t believe I’ve blogged every day now for 19 straight days!!! WHAT!
One thing I’m realizing is that after this challenge is over, I don’t really have an excuse not to be blogging a lot more frequently.
Something else it’s taught me is that I can take what I consider to be a “small” concept and turn it into a full blog. I don’t need to have the most epic, world-changing blog idea before I sit down to write. I just need to sit down to write. That opens the door to so many new possibilities!
I actually do LOVE planning out epic posts and executing them, and just focusing on only that for a week or more until I have it right (i.e. my Burning Man post or my Healthy Las Vegas post). The act of going somewhere for the purpose of reporting back on it here on the blog makes me thrilled. But I’m starting to get used to writing for the sake of just sharing something that might be helpful each day, even if it didn’t take living for a week in the desert to figure it out. So that’s fun.
On that note, I’d like to share my 2 favorite paleo pancake recipes with you guys, which just so happen to be found on the sites of 2 of my favorite people. I can’t believe I haven’t shared them before (except on instagram, of course).
What are “paleo pancakes” anyway?
While pancakes aren’t technically “paleo” in the way you might think (i.e. cavemen obviously didn’t make them), in this case “paleo” means gluten-free, grain-free, dairy-free and refined sugar free. And let me assure you – they are even MORE delicious than traditional pancakes, and extremely easy to make. Sometimes you just want a pancake!!! But without the sugar and flour bomb.
Both of these pancake recipe are the BEST because they only have a couple of ingredients. Some people make paleo pancakes with all kinds of coconut flours and stuff and I can’t be bothered to do that. These are SUPER SIMPLE.
Read my blog on The Misconception About Eating Paleo
So here you go. Both of these recipes were guest posts I did for other sites, so I’m linking you there, because copying and pasting content from someone else’s site is bad for SEO, yo!
Paleo Pumpkin Pancakes
Ultimate Paleo Guide
It took me forever to figure out how to make these right, but thanks to a few texts from my friend Shannon, I was able to make them perfect. Get the recipe.

3-Ingredient Paleo Pancakes
Dr. Frank Lipman’s blog
The original pancake recipe that made me realize you could make pancakes with just 3 ingredients that you might already have at home. Blows my mind!! And honestly, if my Dad loves something I make? I know I’ve succeeded. Get the recipe.

As far as toppings go, when I have paleo pancake parties I like to use organic pure maple syrup, blueberries, coconut flakes, cinnamon…and definitely a little grass-fed butter (or you could drizzle with a bit of coconut oil if you don’t eat butter). :)
Check out this brunch I made for my mom for Mother’s Day last year, featuring paleo pancakes and a million other delicious healthy goodies.

Who’s ready to have brunch now!?! Me.
Have you ever made paleo pancakes?
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