Hello October lovers,
Gotta be honest, being here in Southern California, I have to keep getting daily reminders that it’s actually fall – this usually happens when I see a pumpkin on someone’s stoop. Otherwise, I would never be able to tell. There are no leaves changing, no weather changing, no breaking out the fall boots and vests… just flip flops as usual.
It’s a little weird, not being able to feel a change of seasons. Being originally from the Northeast (north of Boston), and living most of my life on the East Coast, I’m used to leaf peeping and scarves. Historically, October has been my favorite month of the year because I love the crisp air and all the colors. I’ve been really missing those little reminders from nature that it’s fall, that it’s time to let go and shed old energy and prepare for the new.
LUCKILY for us all, something arrived on my doorstep the other day to remind me BIG TIME that it’s actually October.
That’s right. Pumpkin. Spice. Collagen. Bars.
“Get the taste of pumpkin pie without the sugar and gluten.”
Don’t mind if I do.
Pumpkin Spice Ingredients: Organic cashew butter, grass-fed collagen protein, chicory, Bulletproof™ XCT® oil powder, organic cashews, Bulletproof™ Brain Octane® oil (caprylic acid triglycerides from highly refined coconut oil), pumpkin powder, organic spices (cinnamon, ginger, cloves, nutmeg), organic coconut oil, lab-tested vanilla beans, sea salt, organic stevia leaf extract, cinnamon oil, ginger oil.
I’m telling you, these bars taste just like pumpkin pie. Sadly our whole box is almost gone because we like pumpkin pie so much over here. I hid 2 bars in my laptop case so they wouldn’t get eaten, so I could take a good photo of them in the sunlight. I’ll do that tomorrow and will post it to instagram. :)
But to give you an idea, they look exactly like this (these are the vanilla ones) except they’re a little more darker in color due to all the delicious spices. I promise I’ll take a pic tomorrow when there’s good lighting.

These little pumpkiny, spicy babies are flavored with pumpkin powder, organic spices, and spice oils. They have 12g of protein and only 3g of sugar.
And they’re made with collagen from grass-fed cows (good for bone, joints, and skin) and packed with healthy fats to keep you full and energized.
If you want pumpkin pie without the sugar and flour crash, this is going to be your jam for sure.
You’re going to be happy. These are my favorite protein bars in general and they are really outdoing themselves with the whole pumpkin spice flavor reveal. Just in time for me to become nostalgic for a real fall experience.
THANKS BULLETPROOF! I love you guys..
Pumpkins forever.

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