HEY November friends!
Isn’t it cool to be alive? I took a gratitude shower this morning. Meaning – I wrote down everything in my journal that is kick-ass about my life. I suggest you do the same.
Last week I wrote a post about my newest healthy addiction — bone broth.
In a nutshell, bone broth is super healing and magical for digestion, gut healing, skin, autoimmune issues, hormonal health, joint pain, and it gives you a pep in your step and a sparkle in your eye.
Immediately after posting that blog, I knew I had to make my own. I was scared to. There are so many things that go into making bone broth that took me out of my comfort zone. But hey, remember the Comfort Zone Crusade? Who am I if I don’t stretch my limits and do things I previously wouldn’t have done? I’ve done a lot of things that are more difficult than making bone broth!!!
The reason it made me feel so weird to make bone broth is because I was vegetarian/vegan for a few years. When I started Healthy Crush, I made almost exclusively vegan recipes!! I mean, we’re talking soy dogs and gluten bombs. What the F was up with me!? I literally recommended microwaving soy dogs in this post. AGHHH! I cringe when I read that. For awhile I wanted to delete those weirdo recipes from my site, but hey, we learn, we grow, we blog our way through it all. Yowzers.
Not that there’s anything wrong with being vegan, but eating soy dogs and wheat is def not the healthiest way to do it). OH YOUNG JENNY! I forgive you.
Ever since the time I experimented with being a vegan in 2008, and didn’t eat meat again until 2012, I haven’t really cooked much meat at home. The thought of buying BONES at the BUTCHER would have been completely off the table for me a few years ago, but now…I felt semi-ready.
That’s how things out of your comfort zone always present themselves — first there’s a time where you would NEVER do it, then one day it sounds intriguing, then later on it actually somehow seems *possible* — and then one day you’re just doing it. Am I right? Well, that’s how it works for me. You can’t force stuff like this. I think you have to have the right mixture of courage and mental prep. I’d done my research. I was ready to go.
“Things in a million years you’d never see yourself do…but there you are doing them…can’t help it.” –Wicker Park (one of my favorite movies of all time).
Anyway. As any good little addict would do, I made 3 batches of bone broth in one weekend. And now I suddenly feel pro. I’ll make bone broth all day every day. What what!
After making a few batches, I came up with THE ULTIMATE Healthy Crush Umami Bone Broth Recipe. (What the heck is Umami? My 2009 self will gladly tell ya). Honestly, if there’s any recipe that adequately embodies “umami” this is definitely it. Look no further if you’re on an umami quest. (If you are, you’re so awesome. #goals).
I’m gonna give you 2 bone broth recipes and then I’ll do my own little FAQ at the bottom.
Here’s the first bone broth recipe I made (adapted from the Whole30 site). I made this one twice and can vouch it’s bomb.
- 4 quarts water
- 2-4 lbs. meat or poultry bones (I could fit about 3 lbs in my 6 qt crock pot along with all the veggies
- 1 teaspoon salt
- 2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar
- 1 large onion, coarsely chopped
- 2 carrots, scrubbed and coarsely chopped
- 3 celery stalks, coarsely chopped
- 1 bunch fresh parsley
- 5 garlic cloves, chopped or lightly smashed
- 2-3 inches fresh ginger, chopped
- A few shakes of freshly ground black pepper
NOTE! **If you’re using beef bones, you’ll want to ROAST THEM before you put them in the pot to make broth. This gives the broth a much better flavor. Put bones into a roasting dish and roast at 400 for 30 mins, or until nicely browned.**
Place all ingredients in a large slow cooker, and set on high. Bring to a boil (this may take a few hours), then reduce the setting to low for 12-24 hours (or more). I’ve been taking mine off at around 24 hours, but you can go longer if you want it to taste richer. Strain the broth through a strainer into a large bowl, and discard the bones/vegetables (unless you want to use the bones again for another pot of broth, which you can).
If you don’t have a slow-cooker you can still make this recipe on a stovetop, with a large pot on low heat.
When you’ve strained out the broth, put it in the fridge until the fat rises to the top. Then scrape the fat off with a spoon and discard it before re-heating the broth to eat it. (Some people keep the fat to cook veggies with, you can do that if you want, as long as you aren’t using conventionally-raised animal bones. Bad quality fat is no good). You can also leave all the fat in if you want, but the broth will taste pretty heavy and greasy.
Ok. Make sense? Good.
Here’s the Ultimate Healthy Crush Umami Bone Broth Recipe (I love saying that):
THIS IS MY FAVORITE BONE BROTH RECIPE! I am obsessed with sage and shiitake mushrooms so that’s why.
- 4 quarts water (or, just enough water to cover everything)
- 2-4 lbs. meat or poultry bones
- 1 teaspoon sea salt
- 2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar
- 1 large onion, coarsely chopped
- 5-7 garlic cloves, chopped or lightly smashed
- 1 cup (or more!) chopped shiitake mushrooms
- 10 (or so) leaves of fresh sage
- 2-3 inches fresh ginger, chopped
- A few shakes of freshly ground black pepper
(use same instructions as above for cooking/straining/enjoying).

(That’s me and hormone expert Nicole Jardim enjoying the fruits of my labor).
THIS RECIPE IS SO GOOD I want to drink it forever and ever and ever!!! I may just continuously have a pot of bone broth cooking, night and day, for the entire winter for the rest of my life. Except when I’m in Southern California where it’s warm during the winter (see you in a few days, Cali!)…then I’ll drink green juice instead. #bicoastalbeverages
Please let me know if you make this bone broth. If you do, please post it on instagram and tag me (@jennysansouci). I love you so much already.
Where do you get bones?
I went to my local butcher (who I know has grass-fed meat) and asked “do you have bones?” I felt weird asking, but I just said it. He happily went down to the basement and got me a bunch of beef bones from a grass-fed cow. 2 days later, I went back in and saw “beef broth bones” sitting there in the display case! COOL!
You can also use the bones from any meat/chicken/fish you made at home. Keep the bones after you cook it, and use the bones for broth.
I’ve also heard that Whole Foods sometimes sells bones. You can ask the butcher at your local Whole Foods. Just make sure you get bones from grass-fed cows, organic chickens, wild fish.
What do you do with the bone broth?
I’ve just been drinking it from a mug all day! You can have it as a meal, or supplement your diet with it. You can add it to soups and other recipes for flavor. Many people recommend 2-3 cups of bone broth per day for healing or general health.
How long can you keep bone broth?
Fridge for 3-4 days. Freezer for months and months, even up to a year! But I guarantee it won’t last that long. You’ll drink it!
Why do you use apple cider vinegar?
It helps to draw the minerals out of the bones.
I’m sure there are other questions, lemme know in the comments!
As always – thanks for reading, and thanks for being alongside me on this ever-changing journey.
Endless hugs and endless mugs (of broth),
Learn more about broth with this book – Nourishing Broth.
Amruta @Kale and Brownies says
Ahh great post! I’ve been looking for a new bone broth recipe. Can’t wait to try the sage and shiitake! yum!
jenny sansouci says
I hope you love it! Let me know how it goes. :)
Jamie says
So funny- when you shared the post last week I thought about leaving a comment encouraging you to just try it! Not so bad, huh?! Have you ever used a pressure cooker? Broth in 45 mins….#boom
Also, LOVE #bicoastalbeverages
jenny sansouci says
I haven’t used a pressure cooker but one of my other friends suggested the same! I need to! Thanks for the suggestion. :) :)
marcy says
I spend my week going back and forth from Vegan to Paleo. I day I am okay with butter and eggs and the next day I want to have green juice and salads with no animal products. I have tried to combine the two and balance, but I still stress over eating animal protein. Last night (yes, cold and damp here too) I had a bowl of chicken soup and I felt at peace. My question is can chicken soup be considered both broth? I also want to know how you came to combine the best of both worlds between the green juice and the bone broth. Years of so much conflicting info has been overwhelming and confusing. Thanks
jenny sansouci says
Hi Marcy! I think when it comes to chicken soup it depends on how it’s made. If the bones are boiled (or the whole chicken with bones), for a long period of time, the chicken soup would have the same properties as bone broth. Otherwise, it’s still gonna be good, just not have all the nutrients from the bones.
I’ve been able to combine the best of both worlds because I was vegetarian/vegan for years — so I found the things that worked for me there, and when I began eating meat again, I wanted to keep all the green smoothies/superfoods/etc, and introduce meat in the best quality way possible. I hope that helps! Good luck !
Emma says
I’m intrigued – do you drink it hot?
jenny sansouci says
Yes! Definitely drink it hot! Like a savory tea. :)
Julie Groscup says
Please remove me from your mailing list. I agree with you microwaving, soy dogs and wheat bombs are bad but it does not mean you have to resort to bone broth and other animal products you are advertising to eat. This is a blog so you have a right to your opinion but please remove me as I disagree completely with the direction you are heading and the reported health benefits.
jenny sansouci says
Hi Julie,
Thanks for your comment. You are definitely entitled to your opinion and I know I have a lot of vegan readers. :) To unsubscribe, just click the “unsubscribe” link in the email from me. It should unsubscribe you immediately!
Bonnie says
I am so intrigued about this healing gut issues. I only eat fish and would be interested to try with fish bones. Have you tried any broth with fish bones? Also, you said you could make it in a soup pot on low heat. Do you have any suggestions for how long? I don’t want to leave my gas stove on while I’m not home. Oh! Do you think I should ask the fish people at whole foods for bones? Thanks!!
jenny sansouci says
Hi Bonnie!
I have never made it with fish bones but I know you definitely can! I don’t know that I would leave a gas stove on – you might want to invest in a crock pot or pressure cooker. Most crock pots are fairly cheap! And yeah, talk to the fish people at Whole Foods and see what they say. :) You can just use the bones from the fish you eat, too.
Caroline says
This is awesome, Jenny! I am so going to try this.
I was in a little health food store the other day, and I noticed that Pacific sells different kinds of bone broths (turkey, beef, chicken). I checked the ingredients and the meat bone has an asterisk next to it saying it’s organic, but I’m still a little wary. No other bad ingredients, but I feel like I’ve heard something about this brand before either from Food Babe or something. Wondering your thoughts. Also, does organic necessarily mean the cow/turkey was grass-fed/free-range/antibiotic-free? Definitely want to try this recipe, but it’d be awesome if I could buy some pre-made to have on hand :)
Beth Levy says
Hey! So I made bone broths with beef bones in my instApot. The shiitake one I don’t think I had enough nines because it wasn’t that gelatinous and the flavor wasn’t bold. The other broth was very jelly like but I am tasting the broth all day. The smell of the bones grossed me out and the broth kind of tastes like that smell. I think I need to try with chicken bones. Did you need to acquire a taste for bone broth? I want to like this so badly!!!