Hey guys. :)
I woke up this morning in a bit of a funk. Then I reminded myself of one of my main purposes with the work that I do — to be an access point for people to discover new possibilities that can help them enhance their lives. I love that concept of being an access point, because one of my greatest joys is connecting people with resources that have helped me.
One of the most important teachings I’ve learned through my work with my mentor Gabby is this:
When we give freely of what we’ve been given, we’ll be provided with exactly what we need.
Isn’t that a beautiful thing?
When I first met Gabby, I was working at a job that wasn’t serving me. I didn’t feel creatively open at all. I had no idea what my “passions” were, how to share them with the world, or if I even had a “purpose.”
As she mentored me, some of the things I began to realize:
- I don’t have to be in a job that makes me unhappy
- I don’t have to “chase things down” all the time
- Being happy doesn’t actually mean getting all the “stuff” you want – in fact, it’s much simpler than that
- I don’t have to live the way I thought I had to – conforming to the “norm” and just accepting it
- I actually could do something that could make a positive impact in the world, even if I wasn’t an “expert”
- I could experience more freedom in every area of my life
- I could actually make money doing things that could help people and make me feel genuinely fulfilled
- It can all happen very NATURALLY
Most importantly to me — I could wake up with INTEGRITY and INSPIRATION about the choices I was making in my life and help other people do the same.
I realized it was possible to feel like creative inspiration was flowing through me and back out into the world on a daily basis. When you get that feeling, it’s the best natural high I could ever imagine.
Feeling that integrity and inspiration are 2 things I never even knew I could feel until I met Gabby.
I would spend the next 8 years learning from Gabby about how to build a business and life that feels incredibly abundant, free, and purposeful.
When I realized I could get actually PAID in exchange for what I put out into the world, and I began to experience that, I knew something BIG was happening.
My life feels very different today. It’s not perfect, of course – but I wake up each day with more integrity and inspiration than I ever knew was possible.
This is just a tiny bit of what we’ll be talking about in the Spirit Junkie Masterclass in June. I’m REALLY looking forward to meeting you there, and hearing your unique story.
It’s happening in New York City in June and it’s going to be incredible. It’s all about learning to ELEVATE YOUR BRAND and SERVE THE WORLD. :)
Spirit Junkie Masterclass is a training program that helps teachers, coaches, and healers enrich their own spiritual awareness while guiding them to elevate their brands and become greater leaders in their practice and in the world.
If you have even a TINY DROP of an instinct that you’re meant to do bigger work in the world, TRUST THAT. People need you, right now more than ever.
Because this work is so near and dear to my heart, I’m able to offer you:
- $400 off the course (discount expires on April 19th!!) Click here and enter the code jen400 to get the discount.
- A 1-hour exclusive group coaching call with me and Gabby – you can ask us anything you want!! This is a huge deal because I never do coaching calls, and Gabby never does a group call this intimate. It’ll be a lot of fun. Anyone who enrolls with the discount code jen400 will get the call!!
As a gift, check out Gabby’s 90 minute free training video if you want to experience more of what will happen in the Spirit Junkie Masterclass. I cried multiple times watching it. :)

My favorite tip of all time is at 35:10 in the video.
I really hope to see you at Spirit Junkie Masterclass!!! Please come give me a hug if you see me.
I know you can tell I feel strongly about this and I’m thrilled to be able to share it with you. After all — I can’t express enough gratitude for the guy who introduced me to Gabby all those years ago. About once or twice a year I still text him just to say THANK YOU. He was my access point to this work, and I hope I can be yours.
Love you all. It’s time to elevate. Trust me on that. We need you.
Heidi says
I signed up! I was, I’ll say, curious about this program but thought it wasn’t for me. But this post was the extra push I needed. Thank you! I’m very excited!
jenny sansouci says
Congrats, Heidi!! I can’t wait to meet you there. It’s gonna be awesome.:) Make sure you come find me to say hi!! Also – I’ll be emailing you about the coaching call w/ me and Gabby soon.
Lauren says
I am just reading this post and about the event and am wondering if this code is still available?
Meagan says
I missed the cutoff for the promo code!!! BUMMER. Any chance that will be extended? My bad for not paying attention to the expiration date. Would love to make this happen! :)