Do you usually start your new year off by cutting things out, restricting your diet, and making drastic changes to what you’re eating? While I totally support big changes, don’t you think it might be more fun to focus on adding things IN instead? There are lots of powerful, nourishing plant-based superfoods out there just waiting to be part of your plan for the new year.
The great thing about focusing on adding new foods in instead of taking foods out is that after awhile, you start to crave the healthier foods as you start feeling better and your tastebuds change. So your diet gradually shifts — and it feels natural, instead of like you’re on a diet rollercoaster. Many superfoods have medicinal qualities that can help build your immune system, strengthen your blood and brain, and help prevent disease.
Sound good? I know. One of the best ways to add superfoods into your diet is through making smoothies. Smoothies are quick and easy to consume and digest, and can have a powerful impact on your health.
I got to thinking – what are some of the most powerful superfoods that are worth experimenting with? I decided to watch a video on GaiamTV featuring my friend and superfood expert, David Wolfe, to get ideas. According to David, on earth, there are probably 50 superfoods and 50 superherbs, which can completely sustain us, strengthen brain and blood health, and reverse the aging process.

Here are some of David Wolfe’s superfood secrets to optimal health. In the video, he demonstrates making superfood drinks. What does he put into superfood smoothies?
Lucuma – a fruit used as a non-glycemic sweetener, doesn’t spike blood sugar, rich in vitamins and minerals
Astragalus – “one of the top herbs on earth” contains a compound that can repair your “telomeres,” or, can correct damage to your chromosomes/DNA due to the aging process – your brain will be more clear, more energy/endurance
Chaga/reishi mushrooms — powerful for nervous system, brain, joints, longevity, immunity and blood sugar
Chlorella – highest chlorophyll-containing plant in the world. 40x higher in chlorophyll than wheat grass. Identical to hemoglobin in blood. Detoxifies your system
Cacao – magnesium, calcium, iron, manganese — good for blood building and heart health. According to David, cacao is the #1 longevity food in the world, and decreases your risk of having a heart attack by 50%
Ho shou wu – builds bone marrow and stem cells
Gotu kola – improves memory and brain function
Cinnamon – high in chromium, promotes weight loss, anti-fungal, anti-microbial, anti-candida
Cayenne – blood building, healing, good for the heart
Coconut water – similar to blood plasma. Minerals, electrolytes, potassium, better than any sports drink
Mesquite – helps to stabilize blood sugar
Raw honey – a brain food, containing minerals, vitamins, nutrients, great for allergies
Purslane – good for brain health, naturally high in omega 3’s
Want to learn more or find some of these superfoods? You can get most of them in bulk/in powdered form to use in smoothies, through the Longevity Warehouse.
David talks a lot more about blood sugar, thyroid issues, aging, detoxification and more in the video. Watch the full video here on GaiamTV to learn more from David!
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