Do you ever find yourself wishing you could quit some of your more destructive tendencies, or saying things like “I just have an addictive personality”? I’m talking about the everyday addicts. Not just people who are addicted to drugs and alcohol – but food, sugar, cigarettes, coffee, relationships, negativity…you name it. Subtle or full-blown, it’s all blocked energy. Everyone has it. Whether you’re sitting in a church basement for a 12 step meeting, you’re on your 3rd glass of wine while you watch your 10th episode of a TV show, or you have your hand in a bag of potato chips and can’t stop…all of this is energy and we can use our energy to create or destroy.
I remember when I first read the chapter about me in Dan Millman’s “The Life You Were Born To Live.” (An incredible numerology book I reference all the time because it’s so insanely accurate). The book describes what you’re like at your most positive and what you’re like at your most negative.
Here’s an excerpt from what it says about me (I’m a 38/11 in his numerology method):
“They are driven by a powerful creative energy. Until they learn to channel their energy in positive ways, they may suffer from addictions to drugs, orgasms or food.”
Whoa. Hi.
The book goes on to say:
“Creative ideas, projects and energy flow like an underground stream waiting to be discovered. The energy, like a surging river, demands movement and expression.”
If I’m gonna bring positive creative energy into this world, I need to be able to work through my addictive blocks. Do you relate? Even if you’re not into the numerology stuff, the following advice can help anyone with addictive energy.
Addictive energy is energy that’s blocked and needs to be released and expressed. Here are the 2 best ways I’ve found to channel addictive energy into the positive:
Exercise is the ultimate form of energy release. Exercise of any kind can help balance and release blocked energy. Whether it’s running, yoga, walking, dancing, sports, or whatever else — get moving and let the energy move through you.
“Do vigorous daily exercise to replace addictions.” -Dan Millman
Chronic blocked creative energy and chronic blocked self-expression can become full blown addictions. I live this story every day of my life, and I don’t always win. If you feel yourself spiraling into addiction or destructive habits when you know you could be creating incredible things in your life – and the world – find a way to start expressing yourself.
One of my top tips for finding more creative expression as a daily habit is to do morning pages — wake up every morning and just write in a journal for about 15 minutes about whatever comes to mind. Bottom line, just create. Write, paint, draw, sing, take photos..whatever you’re called to do.
From Julia Cameron, author of The Artist’s Way:
“My experience is that creativity is freedom from addiction. If you see someone addicted, what you’re seeing is a profoundly creative soul reaching for a substitute to self-expression. When people get sober they can be profoundly creative.”
So those are my 2 top places to channel your addictive energy. Exercise and creativity. And they really WORK!! Have you experienced these things working in your life? Let’s hear it. :)
Books I referenced here and highly recommend:
The Life You Were Born To Live

P.S. If you’re struggling with drug or alcohol addiction, please find a 12-step program.
P.P.S. You might also like this blog: A Prescription for Happiness: Get Off Your Meds
Michelle Andres says
Hi Jenny,
I really love this post and can 100% relate. I have both of these books. Incredibly Dan Millman’s book is crazy accurate. I just re read my 29/11 chapter and I realized that Im acting like a negative 29/11. I will definately try to incorporate more activity and creativity into my life daily. This is one of my favorite posts you’ve written.
jenny sansouci says
Ooh, you have double 1 energy just like me. 1s, at their most negative, make the “best addicts.” And at their most positive, the “best creative artists.” #letsgo!
Donovan says
Eckhart Tolle says when we over-eat it’s often not the body that is hungry, but the mind. So when we exercise, we satisfy our self with what we’re really hungry for: feeling our body. Pleasure. Aliveness and vitality. Exercise does that. Meditation may also do that, as may other things. I notice that when my apartment is too cold, for example, I have the urge to over-eat more. cheers
jenny sansouci says
That’s beautiful. Pleasure, aliveness and vitality. Thank you!
Donovan says
I think these are two really great reminders, easily over-looked by people.
Amy says
Great insights Jenny! I’m glad you are channeling your addictive energy into this blog because it is always amazing and right on time for whatever I’m feeling not so great about! If you keep writing, I’ll keep reading!
jenny sansouci says
Aw. Thank you! I’ll keep writing.
“Swear to shake it up if you swear to listen.” -panic at the disco
Laura Scredon says
Hi Jenny!
This post is amazing. Thank you; this is very helpful! I have Dan’s book, and I’m a 40/4. I don’t have Julia’s book, but I’ve done morning pages before (I went to IIN, and it was part of the curriculum). I’ve got to get back into doing them starting tomorrow. They are truly helpful.
I am working on my business, and I can totally relate to getting stuck and channeling my energy into the wrong things at times. This will help so much.
Lauren says
perfect timing! :] obsessed with the picture! so halarious and awesome!
Carrie Gabriel says
Great article Jenny…keep up the good work…:D
Amy says
I bought the numerology book last night and I am completely mindblown. I learned that I’m a 31/4 and the explanation described me to a T! So amazing. I now need to map out my husband and my kids! Thanks so much for the suggestion!
Jessica says
Hi jenny!!
I have struggled with drug addiction since I was 15. I am now 34 so it has been my whole life. Even as a child my parents smoked pot and drank around us. My younger brother overdosed and died when he was 23 almost exactly 6 years ago. On jan 18 it will be 6 years. I am very drawn to you and your blog and let me tell you I’m am the worst eater lol but you are inspiring bc I see that you have changed your life and give me the courage to continue on my path. Thank you for sharing your life with us! I get a happy burst of energy from you daily!
Gwyneth says
Absolutely this strikes such a chord. But apart from addictions, often it’s long working hours and family commitments that are reasons given for not being able to give time to oneself in this way. And while it is often difficult, this message about health and personal creativity needs to hit home with all of us as much as possible.
Amy says
The image you used cracks me up! LOL
Nicolas says
Hi jenny, so glad i found your blog ; the morning page tips is awesome, i have so much creative energy, I did not know how to use it!! thanks you thanks you thank you jenny
i’m a 28/10 btw (i got the book), btw if you want more insight about you, from umerologye and also with your name, go here (its free and as accurate at least as millman information :
enjoy, and thanks again !! ( jenny sansouci, is it your real last name cause i love it haha)