Hey guys!!! I’m really excited to be writing this post. I never thought I’d actually be posting fitness photos of my body on my blog, so it feels a little crazy and it makes me nervous…but I truly think this is for the greater good of humanity. ;) For the last 2 months, I’ve been telling everyone I know about this workout, and I figured it was time to share it with you here.
And you know what?? I’m really freaking proud of myself for the work I’ve been doing.
The workout I’ve been doing is…drumroll…the Kayla Itsines Bikini Body Guide. And it’s changing my body FAST!!! I almost can’t believe the results I’m seeing from it. Even though I have always exercised in various ways, I’ve always struggled with consistency. I feel so much stronger from this workout…and it really only took a week or so for me to realize how effective and powerful it is.
I started watching Kayla’s instagram feed about a year ago. She’s followed by 3.3 million people for a reason — her workouts work, and people are getting awesome results from it. One thing I love about Kayla is she’s always saying this isn’t about a “quick fix” or any crazy diet plan — it’s about commitment and consistency, and as a result there’s a huge community of people working hard and celebrating their strength.
Even though I post on instagram all the time about working out, I wanted to wait a few weeks before sharing the specific workout I’ve been doing, because, to be honest, I was afraid I wouldn’t stick to it, so I didn’t wanna commit publicly too early. But I can say with total certainty now that this workout WORKS, it’s really FUN, and it’s easy to stick to. It’s the best workout to do while traveling because you can do it anywhere and it only takes 25 minutes.
The prices for the guide on Kayla’s site are listed in Australian dollars, so it’s actually going to be less than the listed price if you’re purchasing from the US!! Use this currency converter to find out how much it will cost, based on the current exchange rate.
Listen – I know this workout is called “bikini body guide” — but in reality this isn’t just about looking good in a bikini…even though you will. It’s about feeling strong, confident, powerful, and more in control of how you feel physically. Which you WILL. In less time than you think.
It’s a 12-week program and I’m about halfway through right now.
Here’s my 5 week bikini body guide progress photo:

The picture on the left is before I started the BBG. The picture on the right is after 5 weeks of doing the workout consistently (yes, those are abs…wtf!) Consistency is KEY here!!!!
FYI, I do have a butt progress photo too….but I don’t really want butt photos floating around on the interwebs. ;) I will say this, though…it’s getting rounder and firmer by the day!!! Ha. Seriously though. Squats are no joke.
I have been doing the workout 3x per week, usually Mon-Weds-Fri, with walks or jogs on the other days (and a rest day). The BBG workout is designed so you do the strength training 3x per week, on whatever days you want, but I find it relatively easy to stick to a Mon-Weds-Fri schedule.
I did take a full week off when I was sick right after my month of traveling, but aside from that I find it super easy to stick to — because it’s quick and you can do it ANYWHERE.
Here are a few examples of other “gyms” I’ve used since I started Kayla’s BBG workout — all you really need is a bench and some space!!!
The beach in Barcelona…I used that little bench as my gym every single time I worked out when I was there! I was doing burpees on the beach while everyone was sipping on cocktails and giggling at me. It was awesome. :) If there were parts of the workout that needed weights, I would either improvise or do the weighted parts later when I had something heavy to hold.

The “play turf” at Brooklyn Bridge Park:

I used those little rocks in the photo below as weights for weighted squats!!! So much fun…

My little “gym” overlooking Manhattan at night…used that bench for “knee-ups.” :)

A “gym” in a hotel room….burpees on that carpet, step-ups on that “bench..” EASY! No excuse not to do it. :)

Reasons I can’t stop gushing about Kayla’s BBG workout:
- It comes in PDF form –— I just take my iphone with me and look at the workout, wherever I am. No videos to watch or anything – just straight up, easy to understand exercises with photos and clear instructions.
- It takes about 25 minutes, start to finish, 3x per week. Maybe a little longer if I take breaks to catch my breath. ;) It’s a HIIT workout (high intensity interval training) and you’ll do each exercise for about 10-25 reps before you move on to the next one. It’s hard, but it’s fun and it’s quick.
- You can literally do it anywhere — as long as you can find a bench type apparatus to step up onto, and ideally something to use as weights – even rocks. :) Outside is my favorite place to do it but I’ve done it in hotel rooms and my apartment plenty of times.
- No gym membership required. No paying for fitness classes. You just buy the guide once and you’re good for months. I love fitness classes, but I can’t justify spending the money on it when I have this workout at my fingertips at all times.
- NO COMMUTE!!! I used to commute for about an hour total to get to bootcamp classes in Manhattan. No more. Not saying I never will again, but I’ve cut out so much time just by being able to run outside to the park and do this workout.
- It’s the best workout for traveling. I travel ALL THE TIME…I just spent a month on the road – I was in Barcelona, Berlin, Portland, San Francisco and San Diego…and I had no excuse not to do this workout 3x per week, or at least improvise and do it to the best of my ability (except when I was sick — I let myself rest and take a week off).
- You can pick up where you left off anytime. Sometimes if I’m REALLY pressed for time, I’ll just do half of the workout and then do the rest later when I get home. I never have any excuse not to work out for 10-15 mins. Right? Right.
How I feel since starting the BBG workout:
- Stronger. I’m seeing muscle definition where I’ve never had it before. We’re talking shoulder and back muscles. It’s really cool.
- More confident. I’ve been wearing dresses that show off my arms and even shirts that show off my stomach (I’ve NEVER done that before). And I feel great doing it. WHAT!!!!!! It’s totally nuts.
- More powerful. Knowing that I have this simple workout schedule, and knowing I can do it on my own time from wherever I am, makes me feel a lot more powerful and in control of my fitness and health.
- Able to “bounce back” quicker. Those abs in that photo aren’t always as visible (i.e. when I eat bread and gelato in Europe for a couple weeks….!!!!) but having more muscle (and having a specific PLAN!!) allows me to bounce back way more quickly if I go through periods of not eating as cleanly as I usually do.
What about food?
Kayla does have a food guide too, but to be honest I haven’t used it. I tend to eat pretty cleanly already (see here for what I typically eat) and if I’m feeling like I’ve overdone it with food in any way I usually go for juices, soups and smoothies for a day or 2…and I manage to balance myself back out pretty easily. Having the BBG workouts on my side – and having more muscle tone – makes me feel way more confident that I’ll be able to bounce back easily from any “setbacks.” In fact, although I’d never really recommend eating sugar, bread, etc…I am able to have this kind of thing once in awhile without feeling like I’m soooooo affected by it. I think having more muscle and being in better shape physically helps a lot with that (activated charcoal helps too ;)). I actually feel like my body can tolerate more carbohydrates than before, now that I’m doing the BBG consistently.
Don’t get me wrong, guys. This workout isn’t EASY – it’s hard work!!!!
Burpees, squats, lunges, planks…this stuff ain’t a nap. But you can take one after your 25 mins are done. ;)
But the bottom line is:
- I’ve never had a workout that I’ve stuck to so consistently.
- I’ve never had this much fun working out out before.
- I’ve never seen physical results this quickly, that make me feel so strong.
- I’ve never felt more at ease, confident and in control when it comes to my fitness plan.
- I’m just REALLY happy with it!
I recommend this guide to all my friends because I want them to see how strong they can become with a little consistency and direction in their fitness plan. Plus it’s fun to have fitness buddies!!!! I love texting my friends who are doing the BBG with “halfway through!!!” They motivate me and I motivate them…it’s freaking cool.
Ok – questions?? Leave them in the comments section!!!
I can’t WAIT to get to the 12 week mark and post another progress photo. :)
AGAIN…the prices for the guide are listed in Australian dollars, so it’s actually going to be less if you’re purchasing from the US (the workout guide will be about $50, not $70)! Use this currency converter to find out how much it will cost, based on the current exchange rate.
Love you guys!! Wishing you tons of strength, confidence and fun with your fitness plan.
Follow me on instagram for more (mostly) healthy fun.
Follow Kayla Itsines on instagram for fitness inspiration.
P.S. — I just got an email from someone saying they are disappointed in me for sharing something that you have to purchase, and that they don’t believe my results are “real.” For complete transparency, YES, there are affiliate links on my blog, YES, my blog is a business, and YES, if you purchase something I make a small commission and it helps sustain me as a writer. But I would never, EVER share something I wasn’t 100% obsessed with. If you know me in person, you know how insanely true that is. And that’s a promise. If you’d rather not purchase the guide, Kayla does have options for free sample workouts on her site, and there are tons of various free workouts on youtube, so those might be more your style. For me, BBG has been a complete game changer and that’s the truth. I’ve been working hard, and I’m really, really proud of myself. So thanks for reading, guys. :)
kathleen says
ahhh!! ive tried to start and re-start this workout so many times. it is SO HARD but it is awesome!!!
jenny sansouci says
i know!! following kayla and seeing the progress photos on instagram is a huge motivation helper. also getting a buddy!!!! at least for the first week or two, it’s sooo helpful to have someone else doing it with you. :) good luck!!
Brittany says
This workout has completely changed my life too!! Love it!!
jenny sansouci says
Yes!! So glad to hear. I’m so happy to be able to spread the word about it. :) #kaylasarmy
Cathy says
You look great! With 2 babies it’s so hard to get to a yoga class or the gym. Im gonna check it out now ✌️
jenny sansouci says
Thank you!!! And yeah! This is the perfect home workout. I just did it today in my apartment, had to leave the house in 45 mins, so did the workout real quick, showered, then out the door!! I love it so much. Let me know if you try it. :)
Jenn says
Omg- well done you for posting a photo! I just finished the first 12 weeks and I loved it! I feel so much stronger for it! I did my first sprint triathlon right after the 12 weeks was done- I barely trained for the Tri other than doing Kayla and I won for the ladies- I couldn’t believe it and defo think it was down to Kayla. I just started a diff 8 week program with some girl friends and I miss Kayla! Can’t wait to start the second 12 week program after this 8 week thing is done (feel like I’m losing fitness bc Kayla is just so good!) And I loved rocking out in my sun room using whatever I could find for a “gym”- I posted Kayla workout vids on insta haha- the struggle is real! I bet your 12 week progress will be amaze balls! Well done and keep up the good stuff!
jenny sansouci says
Hey Jenn!! Thanks for your comment, so impressive that you finished the 12 weeks AND did a triathlon!! Super motivating :) Congrats!! I’m definitely gonna do the 2nd 12 week program too. So pumped. This workout is literally a game changer!
Nouch says
My boyfriend and I are doing it together! He has lost 6kg already and I can really see the change on him. On myself well I haven’t lost weight but I m getting so strong. I can’t believe what my body can do.
jenny sansouci says
Awesome. My boyfriend did it with me a couple of times in the park, and even though he’s in great shape it was challenging for him too! Keep up the great work :)
Jeanne says
Jenny –
SO SO proud of you! I can 100 percent say that you’ve been experimenting for YEARS with your workouts and feeling like you couldn’t get super toned in certain places (I hope you don’t mind me sharing this!). People should know this, in my opinion, has been years in the making.
You look freaking fantastic and earned every bit of it in a REAL, SUSTAINABLE way.
I’m actually now interested in doing this since I saw you last week — and you know me!!!
So proud of my sister! You are the REAL DEAL and don’t let anyone say otherwise. You’re 100 NOT INTO THINGS YOU’RE NOT INTO in case anyone was confused. Trust. I’ve been alongside this rebel for years. #witness
Love you!
jenny sansouci says
Haha!!! THANK YOU JEANNE!!! This is what best friends are for. I know you always have my back. And you’re right, I’ve been on the fitness experimentation path for a long time. Who knows how long I’ll stick with this but I love it right now. And let me know when you want to workout together and it’s on. <3 <3 I love you!!!!!! Thank you. :)
Ang says
Wow super inspiring! After 5 weeks, that’s pretty impressive! I’ve done boot camps for 12 weeks 5-6 days a week and not had results like that! My fear is my form wouldn’t be right and I wouldn’t see same results! I am so used to having someone correct me in a gym setting! Thanks for sharing all you do! I have never commented on anything on your insta or on your site but I do pay close attention and have to go creep incase I missed anything! =) lol
jenny sansouci says
Hey Ang! Thanks so much for your comment. In the past I’ve done a lot of group bootcamps too and I agree it’s helpful to have an instructor helping you with your form. This is definitely more self-motivation type of workout, so yeah, there’s more room for error…but Kayla gives a ton of guidance. :)
kate says
Be careful with squats…..if you do them, make sure you do them with your legs apart and point your toes to the right and left….like you are riding a horse….this lengthens the muscles, and if you do them the other way, it shortens the muscles and bulks the thighs up. which i don’t think you want. not me, anyway. and you can just pulse gently. go down and hold it with your arms stretched out in front…this is called the ‘horse’….great one. hold it for as long as you can….
jenny sansouci says
thanks for the tips kate!
Hera says
Talk about Divine Intervention. This post couldn’t come at a better time for me. I’m fed up and ready for change. I don’t care about a number on a scale, I just want to feel STRONG. My trouble area is my ‘mummy tummy’ and my core is so weak. I want to feel strong and I want to feel comfortable in my skin. That’s it. Going to purchase this right now and get started tonight. SO stoked.
jenny sansouci says
Awesome, Hera! Let me know how it goes for you – I think it’s a great workout for when you’re ready for change – it’s super structured and specific and quick, so I think it’s pretty easy to stick to, especially if you do it with a check-in buddy. :) GOOD LUCK!!
Ali says
Jenny! You’re the best!
I bought Kayla’s bikini body guide yesterday and did day 1 last night! holy hell! that was tough! I’m a runner and I do yoga but i definitely lack in the strength training. I’m turning 28 at the end of this year and it’s time to get in the best shape of my life!! not just for looks (although that’s a bonus) but for strength, confidence, health, and preparing for pregnancy way down the road! ;-) As a health coach, I can relate when you say you already eat clean so you aren’t following her eating plan. Same here! :) Thanks again for always sharing the best stuff! I bought some activated charcoal after you posted recently too.
jenny sansouci says
Hey Ali!! So glad to hear you’re already feeling the effects of the workout — it’s so awesome. :) I totally agree with you on the motivation of feeling strong and confident. Please keep me posted on how it goes!!! Great to hear about the charcoal too. Love that stuff. xox
Alice says
i think you look beautiful in your before picture and i’m a bit sad that as a health coach you found the need to change this. the after picture is skinny, not healthy looking at all, in my opinion.
i, as a recovered(ing) anorexic, understand the close to addiction level of needing/wanting to be thinner all the time and not seeing how beautiful you already are.
i’m glad you feel great and i hope you feel fantastic, but, personally, you’re gorgeous in the before picture.
jenny sansouci says
Hey Alice. Thanks for reading and commenting, and for your compliments! I’m sorry it makes you feel sad that I’m excited about fitness. As I mentioned in the post, being physically strong makes me feel confident and powerful, with more energy and feeling really happy. It’s not about being skinny. If I wanted to be skinny I’d do a juice cleanse, and probably hate every moment of it. I eat big meals and even mentioned in the post that I’m eating MORE carbs than I was before I began the workouts, and feeling much more balanced. It all feels a lot more manageable than when I had less physical strength and I’m actually feeling so much less inclined to “diet” or restrict now. To be honest, I thought I looked awesome in my before picture too, but I feel better and stronger now! :)
Ali says
Alice, I agree that her “before” picture was beautiful already but she did specify: “Listen – I know this workout is called “bikini body guide” — but in reality this isn’t just about looking good in a bikini…even though you will. It’s about feeling strong, confident, powerful, and more in control of how you feel physically. Which you WILL. In less time than you think.”
We all want to look and feel our best. Sometimes confidence is expressed through how we look on the outside but sometimes not. I completely understand your thoughts on this but i still think she looks healthy in the after picture.
jenny sansouci says
Thanks for your support Ali! :) :)
Heather says
Hi Jenny! Been following you for a while. I love the sincerity in all that you post/publish. Thank you! I have been thinking about this workout for a while but honestly the thought of doing something without the guidance of a video has me freaked out! Not only because it is self paced but what if I do something wrong? Do you find it easy to pick up/follow? thanks for the advice!
jenny sansouci says
Hi Heather! I felt confident doing it because I had been going to bootcamps that teach similar “moves” for a long time. I felt ready to do it. But her guides do lay out each movement and exactly how to do it. I think you should be fine! The hardest part for me is actually motivating myself to start. :)
Jessica says
I bought the BBG back in April and haven’t consistently stuck to it. Thanks to your post I started today. I’ve been following Kayla and BBG forever as well but for some reason have stuck to my routine that doesn’t yield results. I also have the nutrition program, may play around with it for fun, we’ll see!
Once you started eating meat again did you notice you became more lean? I was vegan and vegetarian for 3 years and now pescetarian for about a year (don’t eat fish everyday though–1-2x/week). Trying to figure out what’s best for my body/energy!
jenny sansouci says
hey Jessica! let me know how the BBG is going for you!! happy to be on the journey together :) also please let me know what you think of the eating plan – very curious. i am also going to check it out in more detail and see what I think!
And yes — when I started eating meat again I definitely leaned out vs. when I was vegan i ate a ton of beans/grains and I was always picking at snacks and stuff. Now that I include more animal protein I think I’m more satiated. Also, my boyfriend always tells me that when he sees photos of me from when I was a vegan he thinks I look healthier now, if that means anything. :) I personally feel better with meat but I fully support veggie diets, as long as the person following it is feeling great! That’s the most important thing.
Good luck experimenting and thanks so much for reading + leaving your comment!!
JLB says
Hi Jenni,
You look wonderful and the workout sounds fantastic. As I am a breast cancer survivor and had a double mastectomy, I have to be careful about doing a lot of vigorous upper body work that puts too much strain on the chest muscles and even the trapezoid muscle. Before I purchase, I just wondered your view on whether this work out has a lot of that.
Again congratulations.
jenny sansouci says
Hi JLB, thanks so much! The workouts each week consist of (usually) an arm workout, an ab workout and a legs workout (+ some cardio). You could always modify the arm workouts and skip things like burpees and push-ups if that is going to cause too much strain on your body. The ab and leg workouts are fantastic :)
Kathy says
Jenny! I’m so proud of you! You’re inspiring so many women (and men!) to live a better life and you have inspired me to *finally* get my act into gear! I purchased the BBG this morning and I cannot wait to get home tonight to start! Keep up the great work!
jenny sansouci says
Kathy!! So fun to reconnect with you. Please keep me posted on how the BBG is going for you, I know from experience it helps to know other people are in it with you!! <3 Good luck :) :)
sarah says
jenny, I really love your posts and your instagram. you seem to be so honest and transparent. it was your instagram post of doing bench workouts a while back that inspired me to start doing that on my own! but then you posted this and I downloaded kayla’s first free week and I already feel strong and amazing- can’t wait to do the whole guide. it felt good to be SO sore from a million squats. thanks for all you do and for the information and good energy you share.
jenny sansouci says
Hey Sarah, you’re awesome and i felt exactly the same way! first week made me realize that the workout really makes a difference. :) I appreciate your support and your comment and I’m so pumped for you to do the guide!!!
caitlyn says
guess i know what i need to test out post baby! you look so strong!!!
jenny sansouci says
love you!! and yes – probably a great post baby workout. :) xoxo
Lindsey says
Hi Jenny!
This workout looks amazing! Is there a promo code that you know of?
jenny sansouci says
Hey Lindsey! I don’t have a promo code. But you can grab the free workouts if you wanna try it out first!! :)
Ali says
I found a 10% off promo. Simp10
See if it still works for you :)
Lindsey says
Simp10 worked!!! Thank You! Received everything for 46.07 US = less than my monthly gym membership! :)
Amanda says
Just purchased!! You’re a badass and I love you!!
Monica says
Just finished my week of free workouts & purchased the 12 week set – Thanks for another great recommendation.
Always love your posts, & I agree that following Kayla on instagram adds extra motivation :)
Kate says
omg I’ve been debating trying this forever, but it looks so intense, so it scared me off :p But after your review, I’m going to have to reconsider!
Pamela says
Thank you so much for sharing this. I got the Free 7 Day Guide and it was awesome. I did not however understand how to use the guide and had been doing the whole weeks worth of exercise in one day three time a week and thinking that I must be more more out of shape than I thought lol. Just bought the Weeks 1-12 and was very happy to see the error of my ways and the Pre-Training! This is going to be easy after what I was making myself do.
jenny sansouci says
Ahhh!! Wow – that must have been a really hard workout!!! Glad you’re enjoying it, though. :)