Welcome to the first VIBE METER! I’m so excited to share this with you.
(What is a vibe?)
To kick off the Vibe Meter, I brought on a very special Guest Vibe Critic. He’s one of my greatest teachers — I trust and respect his opinion and vibe critiques immensely.
Guest Vibe Critic: Dr. Frank Lipman!!
Dr. Lipman is here to give us the vibe critique on saturated fat.

Watch this awesome and hilarious video for his explanation on whether or not saturated fat is high vibe:
Dr. Lipman’s verdict?
Saturated fat can be high vibe!! He says, “let go of the myth that all saturated fat is bad for you.” Dr. Lipman recommends coconut oil, grass-fed butter, and fat from grass-fed meat as high vibe saturated fats.
“Recent studies have found that reduced saturated fat intake doesn’t appear to reduce heart disease risk, and may have the opposite effect due in part to the processed fillers food manufacturers put in low-fat products to make up for the fat they removed.” Read more about what Dr. Lipman has to say about saturated fat.
Saturated fats serve critical roles in the human body. They make up 1/2 of cell membrane structure. They enhance calcium absorption and immune function. They aid in body’s synthesis of the essential fatty acids and provide a rich source of fat soluble vitamins (from Mark’s Daily Apple).

Which saturated fats are low vibe, then? Trans fats like the ones found in margarine, vegetable shortening, and the partially hydrogenated and refined vegetable oils found in many packaged foods. As Dr. Lipman mentioned in the video, any fats that are “altered” or processed are low vibe saturated fats.
Read in depth about saturated fat and health:
From Mark Sisson at Mark’s Daily Apple
From the blog of Tim Ferriss
So there you have it!!
What do you think? Are you surprised? Do you agree with this vibe critique? Let us know in the comments!!
If you want play-by-play on the go vibe ratings, follow me on instagram.
Lexysheild says
Awesome!! Love the High/Low Vibe Meter posts!!! Can’t wait for more :)
jenny sansouci says
Stephanie says
I didn’t know Dr. Lipman had such an amazing accent! Love this post!
jenny sansouci says
I know, his accent is amazing!
Stephanie Kirylych says
This is a great vibe meter!
jenny sansouci says
Thanks! :)
Elaine Springer says
I love the video- thanks for making “be well” so fun, informative and charming !
jenny sansouci says
Thanks, Elaine! I love the video too, so fun.
Topher Mallory says
Great content and a great concept can’t wait to see where you take this next!
jenny sansouci says
Thanks Toph!!!
Kelsey says
Thoughts on grass-fed butter vs. a vegan more natural margarine like Earth Balance??
jenny sansouci says
I think grass-fed butter is awesome. Earth balance, in my opinion, is pretty low vibe. Refined GMO vegetable oils, canola, soy, etc. http://www.undergroundhealth.com/earth-balance-betrays-consumers-with-false-non-gmo-and-organic-claims/
Kathleen says
Hey, Jenny! This idea is freaking awesome and I can just feel your energy (totally, high vibe ;) oozing out of each post about this project. I think it’s totally awesome, original, and creative. You go guuuurl! I’ve been in NYC the past week kind of adventuring around — any recommendations for some high vibe food places? :)
Lots of love,
Katie {theblissfulblog.com}
jenny sansouci says
Thank you!!! Lots of high vibe food in NYC. Make sure you go to Hu Kitchen, that’s the highest vibe spot I know of. Here is a post I wrote awhile back that has some other good spots: https://healthycrush.com/healthy-nyc-guide/