Hello my friends,
Last week, I posted about a challenge I created for myself, A Week Without Buying Packaged Beverages. I was inspired after this experience to cut back on buying packaged goods, and I thought beverages would be the perfect place to start, since I buy A LOT of packaged beverages usually (at LEAST one per day as I’m walking around New York City).
So I committed myself to not buying any packaged beverages for a week, to see how it felt, and how challenging it would actually feel. I’m all about deciphering which things are simply a reflex habit in my life that I’ve never thought about changing, but could make a difference if I did.
The verdict? Well, it was challenging in ways, and also not challenging in ways.
I brought a reusable (S’well) water bottle with me everywhere, which wasn’t really a “challenge,” it was more just a matter of keeping the water bottle near the door so I didn’t forget it and get tempted to buy bottled water from a bodega. I don’t think I left the house without it all week! So this definitely cut down on impulse buying of water bottles, and I ended up drinking a lot more water than usual since I “couldn’t” drink the other things I’m used to (sparkling water, kombucha, bottled tea, etc).
The times when I really wanted to cave and buy a packaged beverage were ALWAYS about having a kombucha. Last week I was feeling like I was about to get sick, and normally I would buy a ginger kombucha. There was a good 20 minutes or so where I considered just doing it. But instead, I went home and drank some hot ginger tea that I already had in the house. There were 3 or 4 other times when I really wanted to grab a kombucha (always ginger!) but I restrained myself. My goal for the future? To find a place that has kombucha on tap and refill my own bottle there. I will be on the lookout!!!
Surprisingly, I didn’t really have a strong urge to buy bottles of sparkling water or bottled tea. I have plenty of tea at home, and the flavored sparkling water is more of a “treat” than a necessity. So I will likely keep my consumption of those to a minimum, especially if I have my water bottle with me. Real thirst is always about water, right? So water first. When you’re well hydrated, those other drinks don’t really have such a strong pull. I like them, but I don’t need them every day. They are sort of “luxury” drinks rather than necessities.
So far, today, even though my challenge is “over” – I still haven’t bought a packaged beverage, and I was just out walking around for awhile. Had my trusty water bottle with me.
Even though I don’t plan to be a completely packaged-beverage-free human forever, this little challenge has definitely already subtly changed the way I think. Before I go grab a packaged beverage, I’ve been reaching for my own bottle of water or making tea that I already have.
My goal with this was to take an “unconscious habit” and make it into something I think about before doing. And it did just that. So I consider it a win, and to be honest, I’ll probably think about it from now on, EVERY time I buy – or think about buying – a packaged beverage.
Every little bit counts, my friends!
richard schillen says
Have you ever tried making a shrub? It’s easy: cook down fruit, sugar, and water, add vinegar (depending on the fruit), then after simmering, put through a sieve. Keep the solids for preserved fruit for toast. Use syrup over ice and add seltzer water, and you have a non packaged drink that really tastes good. That’s what people drank before the advent of Coca Cola. I currently have the following flavors: cherry, strawberry, ginger lemon.
Hope this helps. Google shrubs for many ideas.