Update, 2014: After hearing what these yoga teachers had to say about the best yoga mat, I ended up getting a Jade yoga mat and I’ve had it for about 2 years now. I love it!! It’s still in fantastic condition, too.
Winner of Best Yoga Mat — The Jade Yoga Mat
Every time I go to yoga class, I can’t help but scope out all the different mats around me. I always wonder – how do you pick out the best yoga mat? What are the best yoga mats out there? What makes a good mat?
I decided to find out once and for all. And who better to ask than yoga teachers themselves? I wanted to go straight to the source, so I gathered up a bunch of my yoga teacher friends and asked them the following question:
What’s the best yoga mat and why? What should someone look for when trying to find the best yoga mat?
The best yoga mat according to 3 out of 6 yoga teachers was the JADE mat. Why? Here are the yoga teacher responses. Read through these yoga mat reviews, check out the different yoga mats, and let this guide you to pick out the best yoga mat for you!
The Best Yoga Mat – Yoga Teachers Weigh In

The Best Yoga Mat According To Rebecca – YogaDirect
Rebecca: I have used all different fancy and expensive yoga mats throughout the years, and I’ve come to love my most basic one the most! I got it from YogaDirect – it has 1/4 inch of extra cushion and is really soft. I think it’s the best yoga mat. I have bad knees so the extra cushion is great for any kneeling poses and most sitting poses. It’s still firm and sticky enough to keep you balanced when standing. It comes in different lengths too, which is great for men and taller women! The most important thing to look for, in my opinion, is comfort and stickiness. You want the mat to grip your feet but not “rub” you the wrong way. I find the very thin or textured mats to be a little too abrasive on my sensitive skin. Rebecca’s favorite mat

The Best Yoga Mat According To Ali – Jade Travel Mat
Ali: I’m in a pretty serious affair with the Jade Eco-Travel Mat. I love all Jade mats, the fabric is supportive and your hands don’t slip while holding down dog (a problem I’ve encountered quite often). I went with the travel mat because you can FOLD it – not just roll it, so its easier to store and have handy. Another plus is that its just not that heavy. Being a New Yorker and walking everywhere, there’s nothing worse than coming home from yoga and having to do more yoga to release the tension in your shoulders from carrying your mat! When finding your perfect mat, know what your major points are – do you sweat and slip often? Do you need more support under your knee and back for variations and back bends? Do you like sleek or gradient texture while practicing? Will vibrant colors and a fun bag make you want to practice more? When you’re looking for the best yoga mat, don’t settle — the yoga experience should be about the presence and focus, not a game of slip and slide! Ali’s favorite mat

The Best Yoga Mat According To Lindsey – Jade Yoga Mat
Lindsey: I am madly in love with my Jade Yoga mat. It’s very grippy and lightweight enough that it’s comfortable to lug around the city. I’ve been using it almost daily for the past 18 months and it’s just gotten better over time. The only thing is that I’d recommend getting a yoga towel (e.g. Yogitoes) if you do a lot of hot yoga – otherwise your mat (of any brand) gets smelly fast. Jade makes the best yoga mat. Lindsey’s favorite mat
The Best Yoga Mat According To Annie – Jade Yoga Mat
Annie: I personally LOVE the JADE yoga mats. The best yoga mat I’ve used. Not only are they made in the U.S. with natural rubber (no PVC or synthetic rubber), the company is committed to giving back to the earth which I am super passionate about. “Buy a Mat. We Plant a Tree.” So awesome and powerful. Another important factor is that the JADE mats are non-slip and provide great grip, even for the hot, sweat-drenched yogi/yogini. They are also very comfortable & resilient, plus there is a fabulous selection of colors & thickness, depending on your mood & what you are looking for. Annie’s favorite mat

The Best Yoga Mat According To Caitlyn – Lululemon Mat
Caitlyn: By far my favorite is “The Mat” from Lululemon. They have a light travel one for people who live in a city and don’t want to lug around a heavy mat, or a regular one that is a little heavier but has more padding. But most importantly “The Mat” is NON SLIP. So no need for any more yogi toes or sliding – this is an all-in-one fix. I recommend this to all students, and have yet to hear a negative review! I think it’s the best yoga mat. Caitlyn’s favorite mat
The Best Yoga Mat According To Melanie – YogaDirect
Melanie: When I first started practicing seriously, I bought a non descript sticky mat the studio I practiced at sold with the studio logo on it. A no name brand. For years I practiced on this blue mat until it turned a not so bluish shade. Several months ago, I decided it was time to upgrade. I borrowed a well known branded mat to test run a few times before purchasing it ($100). Perhaps it’s just that I don’t like change, but the firmness I’ve heard many other yogis/yoginis say they love was a bit too much on my knees. Since I loved my first mat so much (less than $20), I bought a new one in a vibrant red – it’s the best yoga mat. It wears quickly and I’ll probably have to replace it again soon, but I feel at home on it. While some people might prefer buying a fancy, expensive mat that they’ll have for 5 + years, I’d rather buy one that feels good even if I have to replace it once a year. Melanie’s favorite mat
Wow- 3 out of 6 yoga teachers picked the Jade yoga mat!!!
The Best Yoga Mat is…..
The Jade Yoga Mat!

I agree that Jade is the best yoga mat. :) I love my Jade!!! It’s eco-friendly, non-slip, and lasts for a long time. I have the dark blue one. It’s awesome.
Get a Jade Yoga Mat
Please chime in!! What do you think is the best yoga mat? Why?
Jamie says
I LOVE “the mat” by lululemon. I’m about to finish teacher training and practice in the studio about 6 days a week and adore it. Bonus: don’t need a towel for hot yoga.
jenny sansouci says
Awesome. I’ve tried the mat before too and it was great. I like my Jade mat the best for now, though :)
Eric St-Amand says
Amazing mat but you wont be able to clean it. I just destroy mine….
Xander says
I currently use the manduka pro 85 inch black mat. Being over 6 ft its nice to have the extra length. However im really keen in trying the Jade XXW mat as its wide 30″ and long 85″… it would be perfect for me…
jenny sansouci says
I’ve never tried a Manduka mat before, except for a travel one. Would be curious to see how it is. Thanks!
Nancy says
i’ll give another thumbs-up for the jade! it’s the only mat i’ve used that i don’t slip on, even in sweaty vinyasa classes. since they’re natural rubber they do wear out over time — i replace mine every 3 years or so — but it’s totally worth it.
lovely site, looking forward to reading more :)
jenny sansouci says
Yes! I agree, the Jade is the best yoga mat that I’ve tried. Thanks for sharing!
Vegyogini says
I agree with Rebecca and Melanie; the mats that have worked best for me over the years have been plain old sticky mats. I like to stack 2 of the double-thick ones so I have enough cushion for my bones, but these are far and away the mats with the best grip. I bought a Manduka mat a year and a half or so ago and I slip like crazy on it, plus it’s really hard and uncomfortable. Recently, I bought a Kulae mat (their thickest one) and it has amazing cushion, but again, is so slippery. I’ve been using the Kulae with a thin old sticky mat on top and that seems to be a perfect combination. I practice powerful, level 2/3 Vinyasa flow. Thanks for the great post!
jenny sansouci says
Thanks for all the helpful info! Picking out the perfect yoga mat can be a trial and error type of scenario :)
Joe says
These are all great Yoga mats! The one that has really helped me learn Yoga the best is the CopyCat Yoga mat. I tried Yoga before and failed miserably to keep up, but this one actually teaches you how to do specific poses by showing you where to put your hands and feet. It has printed hand and foot placements right on the mat to guide you and help you remember each pose. It is sticky, extra thick (which is gentler on my body), extra long for more area to move and it is made with eco-friendly materials. Plus it works for kids and adults of any size–you even can watch free instructional videos on the website. An amazing idea!
jenny sansouci says
I’ve never heard of that, but sounds cool. Thanks!
Sharon says
Great Article. In addition to yoga mats, yoga cushions and pillows are also one of my favs and very popular. Eco yoga mats and natural are also very good.
jenny sansouci says
Yoga newbie says
Great article! I love all of these mats. The one that I found to be the best was the CopyCat Yoga mat. Not only is it longer/thicker for more space and added comfort on my knees and ankles but it also helped me learn Yoga. It has hand and foot placements plus illustrations printed right on the mat to use as a guide for each pose. I was lost when I tried a Yoga class for the first time but this mat helped me keep pace with the rest of the class and the Yoga teacher was able to quickly fine tune my posture. There are free instructional videos as well. Just a great idea!
Yetta says
Such a lovely article that offer pool of review from yoga expert. I have been involve in yoga industry since long and its my job to find out best yoga products to put on our website.
I am surprised to see that people are complaining about Manduka yoga mat. If you will check their review on amazon, Manduka blackmat pro is one of the most popular and favorite yoga products in yoga community.
Would like to know your comment on this product !!
Sherri says
I recently purchased a Manduka mat due to their incredibly high ratings amongst the Yogini community and it is incredibly perfect and comfortable! I had heard they may not be sticky but wash with water a few times and you could climb the Empire State Building with it! Yes sticky gumbo no slipping !!
Hope this helps!
jenny sansouci says
I’ve never tried a Manduka but have heard good things. I’ve had my Jade mat for over a year now and it’s still kickin like new.
YoungYogi says
I’m really new to yoga… In fact i started not even a week ago and I don’t have a mat of my own. I’m 12yo (I know I know i don’t need to hear your critisim!) and I was wondering what’s the best starter children’s/young adult’s mat.
Thanks :3
Rachael says
I am new to yoga and after a few hot yoga classes decided I loved it and needed my own mat. I recently purchased – and promptly returned – the Lululemon Mat. Although it was better in the grip factor than the mats my studio rents, it was very noisy! It has a texture that I don’t know how to describe, but when you slide across it, it sounds like a zipper being zipped. Also very squeaky! But my biggest problem with it is THE SMELL! Just awful. When I take my child’s pose and need to catch my breath, it doesn’t help to take deep breaths of something that smells toxic! I came home actually smelling like the mat. I’m going to take a look at some of the suggestions here and see how they sound – but if anyone can help me find an odorless mat I would be forever grateful!
jenny sansouci says
I ended up getting a Jade mat. I’ve had it for almost a year now and it’s still awesome. I love it.
Jennifer says
I’m just discovering this post it looks like a year after you wrote it but the timing is perfect. I’ve been trying to decide what to buy to replace my worn out yoga mat from Target. I’ve been buying cheapies for years and can’t decide whether to spend more. I found your post really helpful. Thank you.
jenny sansouci says
Nice! Glad you found this helpful. Like I said above I’m super into my Jade mat, just bought one for my mom for her birthday too. :)
Wiebke says
I love Jade mats, I have a Harmony one. Years ago I bought a travel mat in London which is amazing. I wish I knew the brand. It is so beautiful, I use it as a carpet at home. :)
jenny sansouci says
Wow, that’s awesome! Never thought of using a yoga mat for a carpet. Although I have used one as a TV-stand cushion when I had floors I didn’t want to scratch, so that might count for something.
Stephanie says
I was Googling yoga mat reviews and ended up here, and I thought you looked familiar … I lived with your sister in college! Small world. :) I’ll be reading from now on!
jenny sansouci says
Hey Stephanie!! That’s so awesome. You’re lucky. I would love to live with her!!! She’s the best roommate. Nice to meet you. :)
shari gamer says
I have a yoloha cork mat. Is the best mat I’ve ever had for not slipping and sliding. You don’t need to clean because it is made of cork which is naturally antibacterial. Only problem is, it is hard and a little hard on the feet.
Jamila says
What have you heard about mats for Bikram yoga?